yakın alan (fresnel bölgesi)

listen to the pronunciation of yakın alan (fresnel bölgesi)
Türkisch - Englisch
(Nükleer Bilimler) near field
Pertains to that range of listening distances in which the sounds reaching the ears are predominantly direct The opposite of "Far Field"
That part of the sound field where the sound level varies from point to point because of the radiation pattern of the source
The area that is very close to the transducer where the Inverse Square Law does not apply For speakers it is within a few feet of the diaphragm For microphones it is usually only a few inches This term is often erroneously used in place of Close Field when describing monitoring scenarios
The area up to one foot from the sound source
The region of an electromagnetic field comprising two components, the reactive Rayleigh region immediately surrounding the antenna and a radiating near field or Fresnel component which exists when the major dimension of the antenna, D, is large compared with the wavelength, l , of transmission
yakın alan (fresnel bölgesi)