
listen to the pronunciation of ws
Englisch - Türkisch
Western Samoa
Batı Samoa
Englisch - Englisch
Writer to the Signet in Scottish Law
Wavetable synthesis; the method to generate sound by a digital music synthesizer
Western Samoa
The World Series, a best of seven game series played annually to determine the championship of United States professional baseball
watersports (the sexual practice)
BICYCLE CAMPAIGN - The use of multiple pieces or methods as a marketing effort (posters, flyers, table tents, checkstuffers, bicycle maps) to promote bicycling as an alternate mode of travel Electronic methods must be documented
Private Well / Septic System / Not Warranted
Wind Scatterometer
Work Station
Samoa (in Internet addresses)
wet scrubber: a flue-gas desulfurization technology using lime (CaO) or limestone (CaCO3) as a sorbent to capture SO2 The reaction product is gypsum
Workstation, a form of personal computer, typically refers to an industrial strength computer with higher speed processors and more memory
ModelAge Workshop Held once each year
Wave Shaping An 01 technique for modifying a basic Sound (Multi or Drum) by use of a Wave Shaping Table This Table specifies a 3-point envelope that distorts the original PCM Sound It is, in theory, a way for you to create new sounds from the same basic PCM Sounds
Generic top-level domain name Stands for "Web site "
The two-character ISO 3166 country code for SAMOA
Wild & Scenic: Certain stretches of rivers that qualify may be Congressionally designated as wild and/or scenic This designation is similar to "wilderness," and would prevent boating, jet-skis, and developments within a defined river corridor
wrong side back of single crochet the back side of your project