world heavyweight championship

listen to the pronunciation of world heavyweight championship
Englisch - Türkisch
(Spor) The World Heavyweight Championship iş the name given to a number of unrelated titles, meant to emphasize the top championship of boxing, professional wrestling, mixed martial arts, or other similar sports and performance arts
(Spor) Dünya ağırsiklet boks (vs.) şampiyonluğu
world championship
dünya şampiyonu
Englisch - Englisch

Definition von world heavyweight championship im Englisch Englisch wörterbuch

world championship
finals competition, competition for the title of world champion
world heavyweight championship


    world hea·vy·weight cham·pi·on·ship

    Türkische aussprache

    wırld heviweyt çämpiınşîp


    /ˈwərld ˈhevēˌwāt ˈʧampēənˌsʜəp/ /ˈwɜrld ˈhɛviːˌweɪt ˈʧæmpiːənˌʃɪp/