
listen to the pronunciation of wing
Englisch - Türkisch

Yaklaşık dört inç kanat genişliğine sahiptir. - It has a wingspan of about four inches.

Bu karınca kraliçedir; kanatları olduğunu görmüyor musun? - This ant is the queen; don't you see she has wings?

{i} ek bina

Hastanenin üç ek binası var. - The hospital has three wings.

(Askeri) uçuş kolu
(Kanun) koğuş
(Askeri) alabanda
kanadından vurmak

Onu kanadından vurmak zorunda kalacağım. - I'll have to wing it.

kolundan yaralamak
binanın yan çıkıntısı

Uçmak için kanatlarım olsaydı, onu kurtarmaya giderdim. - If I had wings to fly, I would have gone to save her.

Keşke uçmak için kanatlarım olsa. - I wish I had wings to fly.

{i} burun kanadı
uçarak götürmek
{f} uçarak geçmek
{i} uçma

Tanrı uçmamızı isteseydi, bize kanat verirdi. - If God had meant us to fly, he'd have given us wings.

Uçmak için kanatlarım olsaydı, onu kurtarmaya giderdim. - If I had wings to fly, I would have gone to save her.

{i} futbol açık (oyuncu)
{i} çoğ., tiy. kulis
açıkta oynayan futbolcu
{f} kanat takmak
{i} hava filosu
{i} (kuş, uçak, bina, ordu, futbol veya siyasi partiye ait) kanat
{i} uçuşan şey
{f} kanadını yaralamak
{i} kol

O bana kol kanat gerdi ve bildiği her şeyi bana öğretti. - She took me under her wing and taught me everything she knew.

Tom bana kol kanat gerdi. - Tom took me under his wing.

{f} hızlandırmak
(Tıp) Kanatsı oluşum
{i} sıvışma
(Askeri) KOL: Bir hava filo kolu karada, denizde ve gemilerde üslenmiş havacılıktaki temel teşkilat ve idari birimdir
{i} çamurluk
{i} İng., oto. çamurluk. f
tiyatro yan oda
(Havacılık) filo
hız vermek
kanat oyuncusu

O kanatlı bir atın üzerinde uçuyor. - He's flying on a winged horse.

wing box
(Mimarlık) merkez kanat
wing it
{k} durumu idare etmeye çalışmak; (eldeki imkânlarla) idare etmek
wing case
(Hayvan Bilim, Zooloji) elitra
wing commander
(Askeri) yarbay
wing chair
arkası yüksek koltuk
wing flap
wing it
{k} bir konuşmayı irticalen/doğaçtan yapmak
wing nut
kelebek somun
wing shooting
atış talimi
wing back
Kanat geri
wing bracing
kanat gergisi
wing collar
Kanat yaka
wing difference
kanat farkı
wing gap
kanat açıklığı
wing girl
kanat kız
wing it.
o kanat
wing man
ELEMAN LİDER (NATO): Tayin edilmiş liderin emrinde ve ona yardımcı olarak uçan pilot, ayrıca bu roldeki uçak
wing mirror
Taşıtlarda yan ayna
wing mirror
Arabanın yan aynası
wing of fighter planes
uçaklarının kanat
wing profile
kanat profili
wing rail
kulaklı ray, karşılık rayi
wing rail
(Demiryolu) Tavşan ayağı
wing screw
kelebek vida
wing skid
(Havacılık) Kanat kızağı
wing span
(Havacılık) Kanat genişliği
wing spar
kanat lonjeronu
wing tip
kanat ucu
wing tip vortices
kanat ucu girdapları
wing wall
kanat duvarı
Wing Command and Control System
(Askeri) Kanat Komuta ve Kontrol Sistemi
wing bcd
(Askeri) kanat ydy
wing brackets
(Dilbilim) çevirtmeli ayraç
wing case
böcek kanadını saran kabuk
wing commander
uçuş kolu komutanı [amer.]
wing commander
İng., ask. yarbay
wing commander
filo komutanı [brit.]
wing cover
wing dike
yan şedde
wing feather
kanat tüyü
wing flap
(Havacılık) uçak kanadı
wing flap
(Havacılık) kanat flapı
wing flap
(Havacılık) kanat flabı
wing flaps
(Bilgisayar) kanat kapakçığı
wing gun
(Askeri) kanat tüfeği
wing gun
(Askeri) kanat topu
wing gun
(Askeri) kanat silahı
wing gun
(Askeri) KANAT SİLAHI: Uçağın kanadına yerleştirilen silah
wing joiner
kanat bağlayıcı
wing joiner
kanat orta desteği
wing leader
(Politika, Siyaset) kanat önderi
wing levee
feyezan dolgusu
wing load
kanat yükü
wing nut
kelbek vida somunu
wing nut lock
kelebek somun emniyeti
wing officer
(Askeri) CEZAEVİ BÖLÜM SUBAYI: ABD'de sıkı emniyet tedbirleri alınmış bir askeri cezaevindeki nezaretçi subayın maiyetinde bulunan ve cezaevinin bölüm (wing) denilen kısmının çalışmasından sorumlu olan subay
wing operations center (USAF)
(Askeri) üs harekat merkezi
wing over
(Askeri) ROTÜRNÖMAN: Havada yapılan akrobatik bir hareket. Bu harekette uçak bir tırmanma dönüşü yaparak hızını kaybedeceği noktaya kadar uçar; sonra önce geldiği cihetin takriben aksi istikametine gitmek üzere pike yapar
wing over
(Askeri) kanat üzerine yıkma
wing photograph
(Askeri) YAN HAVA FOTOĞRAFI: Çok mercekli fotoğraf makinesi ile alınan eğik hava fotoğraflarından biri. Yan hava fotoğrafları, bir düşey hava fotoğrafının kenarlarında birbirine uydurularak tek bir hava fotoğrafı meydana getirilir
wing pump
wing pump
paletli pompa
wing rail
kulaklı ray
wing rail
karşılık rayı
wing saddle
kanat yatağı
wing screw
kanatlı vida
wing seat
kanat yatağı
wing signal
(Askeri) KANATLA İŞARET: Uçağın kanatlarını sallamak suretiyle yaptığı işaret
wing signal
(Askeri) kanatla işaret
wing spar
(Havacılık) kanal lonjeronu
wing tank
safra tankı
wing tip
(Havacılık) kanat uzunluğu
wing tip float
kanat ucu kayağı
fixed-wing aircraft
rotary wing aircraft
{i} pilotluk rozeti
bottom wing
(Havacılık) alt kanat
fixed wing
sabit kanatlı
front wing
(Otomotiv) ön kanat
gull wing
(Havacılık) martı kanadı
left wing
sol taraf
mount kit wing member
montaj kiti çekme elemanı
rotary wing
swept wing
(Askeri) ok kanat
wing nut
(Otomotiv) kelebek somunu
all wing type airplane
tamamen kanat uçak
auxiliary wing
yardımcı kanat
cambered wing
kavisli kanat
carrying wing area
taşıyıcı kanat yüzeyi
chicken wing
tavuk kanadı
continuous wing
yekpare kanat
curved wing tip
kavisli kanat ucu
üç köşe kanat
flying wing
uçar kanat
flying wing
kanat biçiminde uçak
front wing
ön çamurluk
left wing
sol kanat

Bölgesel konsey sol kanattan hakimdir. - The regional council is dominated by the left wing.

low wing plane
alçak kanatlı uçak
lower wing
alt kanat
main wing
ana kanat
on the wing
right wing
sağ kanat
rotating wing
döner kanat
sweptback wing
ok biçimli kanat
turkey wing
hindi kanadı
two wing
iki kanatlı
two wing flying fish
iki kanatlı uçan balık
barbecued wing
mangalda kanat
carrying wing
taşıyıcı kanat
fender wing
İngiliz ingilizcesinde(vapur,motor,sandal gibi) deniz ulaşım araçlarının dış gövdesine konan kaplama.Türkiyede genellikle traktör,kamyon lastiği kullanılır
fixed wing aircraft
sabit kanatlı uçak
flip so.'s wing
flip öyle. 'kanat s
folding wing
katlanabilir kanat
gross wing area
toplam kanat alanı
left wing socialist
Sol kanat sosyalist
lend wing to
için kanat ödünç
make wing
kanat yapmak
outer wing
dış kanat
right wing
sağ açık
Sağ kanat
Sağ açık
rotary wing
döner kanat
rotary wing aircraft
döner kanatlı uçak
slotted wing
yarık kanat
take s.o. under one´s wing
k. dili birini kanadı altına almak, birinin üstüne kanat germek; birine kılavuzluk etmek
take sb under one's wing
kanatları altına almak
tapered wing
konik kanat
under sb's wing
kanatları altında, himayesinde
upperside of wing
Kanadın Üstyaka'ya
Angel's Wing
(Tıp) Kürek kemiklerinin aşırı çıkıntılı hail ile beliren beden kusurunu anlatmakta kullanılan deyim, melek kanadı
Marine aircraft wing
(Askeri) Deniz piyadesi uçuş grubu
Marine wing support group
(Askeri) Deniz filosu destek grubu
Marine wing support squadron
(Askeri) Deniz filosu destek fibi N
a wing
kanat açısı sweepback angle of
air mobility wing; amphibious warfare
(Askeri) hava harejet uçuş grubu; amfibi harp
angel's wing
(Tıp) melek kanadı
angle of wing setting
(Askeri) KANAT TESPİT AÇISI; VARIŞ AÇISI: Bir tayyarenin kanat kirişinin tayin ettiği satıh ile tayyarenin uzunluğuna ekseni arasındaki değişmeyen açı. Buna "angle of incidence" de denir
be on the wing
uçmakta olmak, uçmak
blended wing
(Havacılık) uçan kanat
carrier air wing
(Askeri) uçak gemisi hava grubu
central wing
(İnşaat) orta kanat
central wing
(İnşaat) bina orta uzantısı
chicken wing
(Spor) kanat plonjonu
clipped wing
(Havacılık) kesik uçlu kanat
defence wing
(Askeri) savunma ataşeliği
delta wing
üçgen geri kanat
diamond wing
(Havacılık) eşkenar dörtgen kanat
door wing
kapı kanadı
fleet air wing
(Askeri) DONANMA HAVA GRUBU: A. B. D. Deniz Kuvvetlerinde, gerçek donanma kara havacılığı (naval land avıation), gerek gemide üslenen (tender based) hava kuvvetlerinde ana teşkilat ve idare birliği. Donanma hava grubu, uçuş birliği olup emrine uçak filoları ve idari işler için depo gemileri verilir. Buna "wing"de denir
fleet air wing
(Askeri) deniz-hava kuvveti
fowler wing flap
(Havacılık) fowler tipi kanat flabı
high wing monoplane
(Askeri) ÜSTTEN KANATLI UÇAK: Bu uçaklarda, kanatlar gövdenin tamamen veya kısmen üst kısmına monte edilmiştir. Bak. "monoplane"
lame wing
tutmayan kanat
lead mobility wing
(Askeri) lider hava birliği
low wing monoplane
(Askeri) ALTTAN KANATLI TEK SATIHLI UÇAK: Kanatları tamamen veya kısmen gövdenin altında bulunan bir uçak. Bak. "monoplane"
marine division/wing team
(Askeri) DENİZ PİYADESİ TÜMEN VİNG TİMİ: Deniz piyade sınıfının, normal takviye kıtaları ile birlikte, bir tümen ve bir hava vinginden/ (grup) ibaret bir hava bir. hava-kara timi
on the wing
on the wing
hareket halinde
outlet wing wall
çıkış kanat duvarı
puffed wing
şişirilmiş kanat
right wing
pol. sağ kanat, sağcılar
rigth wing
(Politika, Siyaset) sağ görüşlüler
rocket tail wing
(Askeri) roket kuyruk kanadı
special operations wing; standoff weapon; statement of work
(Askeri) özel harekat kanadı; uzak menzilli silah; iş tanımı
take wing
take wing
kanatlanmak, uçmaya başlamak
take wing
(Fiili Deyim ) kanatlanmak , uçmak , uçup gitmek
take wing
{s} hızlı
{s} etkileyici
kanat takma
(sıfat) kanatsız
{i} kulis
Englisch - Englisch
A position in several field games on either side of the field
An appendage of an animal's (bird, bat, insect) body that enables it to fly
To fly
To act or speak extemporaneously; to improvise; to wing it
A panel of a car which encloses the wheel area, especially the front wheels
A platform on either side of the bridge of a vessel, normally found in pairs
Part of an airplane that produces the lift for rising into the air
To throw
To add a wing (extra part) to
To injure slightly (as with a gunshot), especially in the arm
Part of a huge room
An organizational grouping in a military aviation service:

US A larger formation of two or more groups, which in turn control two or more squadrons.

A fraction of a political movement. Usually implies a position apart from the mainstream center position
Part of a building, an extension from the main building
Human arm
{n} a limb of a bird, side of an army, slight
{v} to furnish with wings, fly, wound, hurt
n the player located on the extreme right or left of the formation 阵型最旁边的运动员。
An ornament worn on the shoulder; a small epaulet or shoulder knot
Any appendage resembling the wing of a bird or insect in shape or appearance
The main lifting surface of an airplane
In motorsport, a synonym for aerofoil Shaped like and aircraft wing, but attached with the downside up to push the car as much as possible to the ground
A wing of a building is a part of it which sticks out from the main part. We were given an office in the empty west wing
They are broad, fanlike organs formed of a double membrane and strengthened by chitinous veins or nervures
Anything which agitates the air as a wing does, or which is put in winglike motion by the action of the air, as a fan or vane for winnowing grain, the vane or sail of a windmill, etc
either of a pair of supporting planes of a flying machine
If you spread your wings, you do something new and rather difficult or move to a new place, because you feel more confident in your abilities than you used to and you want to gain wider experience. I led a very confined life in my village so I suppose that I wanted to spread my wings
A Canadian Forces wing is the air-force equivalent of a base, except that where the base is a support structure, the wing is an operational entity
an aerodynamic surface that can generate lift; while the term is informally applied to the horizontal stabilizer, the most important wing on a modern hydroplane is the "ram wing "
One of the two anterior limbs of a bird, pterodactyl, or bat
One of the broad, thin, anterior lobes of the foot of a pteropod, used as an organ in swimming
The wings of an aeroplane are the long flat parts sticking out of its side which support it while it is flying. + -winged -winged a wide-winged plane
A structure that frames a jump and supports the cups that holds the rails A jump has two wings, one on each side
Pertaining to the offensive end of the field of play The wing position in the offensive set up is located between the two and four metre lines and to the outside of both goal posts
the wings are used only as an assistance in running or swimming
Moveable feathered appendage
If you take someone under your wing, you look after them, help them, and protect them. Her boss took her under his wing after fully realising her potential. In zoology, one of the paired structures certain animals use for flying. Bat and bird wings are modifications of the vertebrate forelimb. In birds, the fingers are reduced and the forearm is lengthened. The primary flight feathers propel the bird forward, and the secondaries (on the upper wing) provide lift. Bat wings consist of a membrane stretched over slender, elongated arm and hand bones. Insect wings are folds of integument ("skin"). Most insects have two pairs of wings; dipterans (flies) have only one developed pair, and beetles have two but use only one for flying. The two wings on a side usually move together, but dragonfly wings work independently
an airplane's airfoil; the wing produces lift as the craft moves through the air and has two movable controls: ailerons and flaps
The wings of a bird or insect are the two parts of its body that it uses for flying. The bird flapped its wings furiously + -winged -winged black-winged birds
a stage area out of sight of the audience
That part of the hold or orlop of a vessel which is nearest the sides
one of the horizontal airfoils on either side of the fuselage of an airplane
A side shoot of a tree or plant; a branch growing up by the side of another
A military air unit, smaller than a division but larger than a group or squadron
A wing of an organization, especially a political organization, is a group within it which has a particular function or particular beliefs. the military wing of the African National Congress. see also left-wing, right-wing
the wing of a fowl; "he preferred the drumsticks to the wings"
a movable organ for flying (one of a pair)
The right or left division of an army, regiment, etc
Any surface used primarily for supporting a flying machine in flight, whether by edge-on motion, or flapping, or rotation; specif
In a theatre, the wings are the sides of the stage which are hidden from the audience by curtains or scenery. Most nights I watched the start of the play from the wings
a unit of military aircraft
A thin flange of tissue found along a stem or seed
a portion of an aircraft's surface which functions as an airfoil
n the player located on the extreme right or left of the formation 陣型最旁邊的運動員。
A wing of a car is a part of it on the outside which is over one of the wheels
an area of the field near the touch line
A lateral extension of a building from the main portion; one of two or more coordinate portions of a building that extend from a common junction
overhang of deckboard or deck end from the outside edge of the stringer or stringerboard, to increase unit-load area, to add pallet load-bearing capacity, to reduce deck-board-end splitting by fasteners, and to facilitate the lifting of a pallet with bar slings hanging from a crane
To supply with wings or sidepieces
A side building, less than the main edifice; as, one of the wings of a palace
To furnish with wings; to enable to fly, or to move with celerity
the side of military or naval formation; "they attacked the enemy's right flank"
a hockey player stationed in a forward positin on either side
travel through the air; be airborne; "Man cannot fly"
To cut off the wings of; to wound in the wing; to disable a wing of; as, to wing a bird
a unit of military aircraft a hockey player stationed in a forward positin on either side
As opposed to a spoiler, which has no space between the car body and spoiler itself, the wing is raised off the mounting surface using posts of some sort Most wings have upright 'rudder' supports, or side plates, which help stabilize the car in the straights To help tune your car: A track with many turns and short straights will need small side plates, which won't interfere with turning too much but still give you stability in the straight A track with many straightaways or two or more long straights could use larger side plates for more straight-line stability See angle of attack for an explanation of how to use a wing
the main lifters of an airplane
In a fleet, one of the extremities when the ships are drawn up in line, or when forming the two sides of a triangle
connecting them with the main work
Wing Commander
A rank in the Royal Air Force (and other Commonwealth air forces) above Squadron Leader and below Group Captain
Wing Commanders
plural form of Wing Commander
wing attack
A player allowed in the centre third and goal third, but not the shooting circle
wing attacks
plural form of wing attack
wing chair
A chair with a high back from which project small side pieces, originally to protect from draught
wing chairs
plural form of wing chair
wing corkscrew
A type of corkscrew having two levers on either side of the worm, so that the cork is removed by pushing the levers together after the worm has been driven into the cork
wing defence
A player allowed in the centre third, defensive goal third, but not the shooting circle
wing defences
plural form of wing defence
wing it
to improvise; to make things up or figure things out as one goes; or to perform with little or no preparation

I didn't study for today's test, so I'll have to wing it.

wing mirror
Either of a pair of mirrors on the sides of a car or other vehicle that enable the driver to see to the side and behind

I could see the dog running behind me in my wing mirror, but couldn't do anything about it.

wing mirrors
plural form of wing mirror
wing nut
A nut with wing-like projections to provide leverage in turning; a thumbnut
wing nut
One who advocates extreme measures or changes; a radical
wing walking
stunt performed at airshows, particularly in the interwar years, where a person climbed through the struts of a biplane, or flew strapped in a frame on top of the aircraft
A player who plays on the wing, and act as both a defender and an attacker depending on the team's situation
wing box
(Mimarlık) The structural component from which the wings extend
wing girl
The attractive hot girl who will go out with a good guy friend when he needs to look good at a party or other social event. Not an escort, but a friend

I'd have never had Kim as my girlfriend without my wing girl, Jen.

wing rail
(Demiryolu) A continuous running rail that forms the obtuse angle of a diamond crossing. Also a running rail from switch heel towards nose which is then set to form check rail past nose of common crossing
wing span
(Havacılık) The maximum extent across the wings of an aircraft, bird, etc., measured from tip to tip
wing warping
(Havacılık) Wing warping was an early system for controlling the roll of an aeroplane while flying. The technique, used and patented by the Wright brothers, consisted of a system of pulleys and cables to twist the trailing edges of the wings in opposite directions. In many respects, this approach is similar to that used to trim the performance of a paper aeroplane by curling the paper at the back of its wings
wing and wing
With sails extended on both sides
wing back
In football, a wing back is a defender who also takes part in attacking play
wing case
either of the horny front wings in beetles and some other insects which cover and protect the functional hind wings
wing chair
an upholstered chair with high back and projecting sides
wing chair
A high-backed upholstered lounge chair with wings on either side of the chair back
wing chair
a comfortable chair with a high back and pieces pointing forward on each side where you can rest your head
wing chair
Upholstered chair with a high back and wing-like side projections X-frame The X-shaped construction of some chairs and stools
wing chair
Upholstered chair with a high back and wing-like side projections X-frameThe X-shaped construction of some chairs and stools
wing chair
easy chair having wings on each side of a high back
wing chair
A large, comfortable, high-backed upholstered lounge chair with wings on either side of the chair back Usually overstuffed
wing chair
a fully upholstered chair with wings at the sides to protect the sitter from drafts; also known as a "wing-back"
wing collar
A shirt collar, used especially in men's formal clothing, in which the front edges are folded down in such a way as to resemble a pair of wings. a type of shirt collar for men that is worn with very formal clothes
wing commander
A wing commander is a senior officer in the British air force. Wing Commander Christopher Moran. an officer of high rank in the British air force
wing commander
(RAF rank) one who is next below a Group Captain
wing commander
air force rank for a commander in charge of a fleet of airplanes
wing loading
the ratio of the weight of an airplane to its wing area
wing loading
The gross weight of an airplane divided by the wing area. Used in stress analysis
wing mirror
a mirror on the side of a car
wing nut
any tree of the genus Pterocarya; fruit is a small winged nutlet; Caucasus to southeastern Asia
wing nut
Specifically constructed nut which is made with two wings protruding outward from the sides of the nut This allows the nut to be turned with relative ease using only your hands
wing nut
a threaded nut with winglike projections for thumb and forefinger leverage in turning
wing nut
A nut designed to be tightened by hand The wings on the nut provide the gripping surface Never use tools to tighten a wing nut, as it may cause damage to another part of the product
wing nut
a threaded nut with winglike projections for thumb and forefinger leverage in turning any tree of the genus Pterocarya; fruit is a small winged nutlet; Caucasus to southeastern Asia
wing nut
n. A nut with winglike projections for thumb and forefinger leverage in turning. Also called thumbnut. a nut for fastening things, which has sides that stick out to make it easier to turn
wing nut
A nut with two flat projections (i e , wings) to be turned by thumb and finger Also called a butterfly nut
wing nut
A nut that can be tightened or removed without tools by turning it with figures
wing shooting
shooting game birds that are flying (on the wing)
wing span
distance between the ends of a birds wings when spread wide
wing tip
most distant end of a wing; style of shoe characterized by a toe cap with a slightly upward curve that extends toward the side of the shoe
wing tip
a decorative toecap having a point extending toward the throat of the shoe a shoe having a wing-tip toecap
bastard wing
A tuft of feathers borne by the bony thumb-like structure in a bird's wing; alula
bite wing
A holder for X-ray film, in which the film is held in place by a small tab on which the patient bites
buffalo wing
A snack made of a cooked chicken wing with spicy sauce
chicken wing
A wing of a chicken cleaned and carved for use in cooking
chicken wing
A cooked wing of a chicken
A cooked (usually breaded) wing of a chicken
Passing a hard-hit ball with the upper arm extended out from the body. This usually has the lower arm pulled in toward the body, and is reminiscent of a chicken's wings when trussed

Don't chicken-wing it!.

delta wing
An aircraft wing having a swept-back shape in the form of an isoceles triangle; used mostly on supersonic aircraft
fore wing
Either member of the pair of wings closest to the head
goose wing
A position of sails in a fore-and-aft rigged sailboat, in which the mainsail is set to the leeward and the jib to the windward. This position may be used when running (almost) straight downwind
hind wing
Either member of the pair of wings closer to the tail
left wing
the offensive player who plays to the center's left
left wing
the left-hand side of a sports field
left wing
the more left-wing faction of a group or party
supporting political reform to make society more egalitarian, secular, and/or democratic
on a wing and a prayer
Describing a situation in which only a partially functioning system is preventing disaster, but the people involved are hoping for the best
on the wing
While flying

By surviving the rigors of a life on the wing, birds earn another chance to pass on their genes.

right wing
the offensive player who plays to the center's right
right wing
the more right-wing faction of a group or party
right wing
the right-hand side of a sports field
politically in favor of preserving traditional social orders and heirarchies, and/or government non-interference in economic affairs
take wing
Of a winged animal, to take flight; to begin flying
under one's wing
Under one's protection, sponsorship, or tutelage

Now a professor himself he has young students under his wing.

vast right-wing conspiracy
A supposed conspiracy perpetuated by members of the Republican Party

I do believe that this is a battle. I mean, look at the very people who are involved in this — they have popped up in other settings. This is — the great story here for anybody willing to find it and write about it and explain it is this vast right-wing conspiracy that has been conspiring against my husband since the day he announced for president.

flying or soaring as if on wings
Having no, or only rudimentary, wings
having the characteristics of a wing
plural form of wing
The insignia of a qualified pilot or aircrew member

Anyone and everyone with wings - press officers, operations specialists, even General Curtis LeMay, commander of the U.S. Air Force in Europe - was put on flight duty and took turns flying double shifts for Operation Vittles..

Third-person singular simple present indicative form of wing
fixed-wing aircraft
An aircraft capable of flight using wings that generate lift caused by the vehicle's forward airspeed and the shape of the wings
rotary wing aircraft
Rotorcraft, helicopter
{a} having wings, wounded, hurt
{a} having wings, wounded, hurt
(Havacılık) A swept-wing is a wing planform common on high-speed aircraft, with the wing swept back instead of being set at right angles to the fuselage. Forward sweep is also used on some aircraft. They were initially used only on fighter aircraft, but have since become almost universal on jets, including airliners and business jets
A wing
A wing
Buffalo wing
A fried chicken wing served with hot sauce and blue cheese dressing
Right wing parties
conservative political parties, national camp
Sainsbury Wing
a new part that was added to the National Gallery in London in 1991
Sir Arthur Wing Pinero
born May 24, 1855, London, Eng. died Nov. 23, 1934, London British playwright. He entered the theatrical world as an actor with Henry Irving's theatre company. His first play, 200 a Year, was produced in 1877. He wrote a series of successful farces such as The Magistrate (1885) before turning to dramas of social issues. The Second Mrs. Tanqueray (1893), the first of his plays depicting women confronting their situation in society, established his reputation, and he followed it with works such as The Notorious Mrs. Ebbsmith (1895) and Trelawny of the "Wells" (1898), becoming the most successful playwright of his time
angel-wing begonia
South American fibrous-rooted begonias having prominent basal leaf lobes suggesting angels' wings and racemes of coral-red flowers
armed wing of Hamas
military wing of the Hamas
barbecued wing
chicken wings cooked in barbecue sauce
bastard wing
tuft of small stiff feathers on the first digit of a bird's wing
a solo tap dance emphasizing sharp taps
chicken wing
the wing of a chicken
covert wing
secret division
delta wing
An aircraft with swept-back wings that give it the appearance of an isosceles triangle
left wing
{i} left side of a building, left outbuilding
left wing
The forward who lines up and operates primarily on the left side of the ice, usually a left-handed shooter
left wing
The more liberal or radical section of a political party, organization, etc
left wing
those who support varying degrees of social or political or economic change designed to promote the public welfare
Left-wing people have political ideas that are based on socialism. They said they would not be voting for him because he was too left-wing. right-wing
The left wing of a group of people, especially a political party, consists of the members of it whose beliefs are closer to socialism than are those of its other members. The left-wing of the party is confident that the motion will be carried. a left-wing person or group supports the political aims of groups such as Socialists and Communists   right-wing
believing in or supporting tenets of the political left
on the wing
in flight; moving about, wandering
political wing
political faction, political group
right wing
conservative members of a political party; conservative party, conservative persons
right wing
those who support political or social or economic conservatism; those who believe that things are better left unchanged
right wing
A conservative political outlook which rejects most forms of change and is usually hostile to ideas on the left
right wing
Right Wing (n) - this term describes a candidate (or political campaign) whose positions mirror or closely resemble points of view put forth in the Republican platform
right wing
The more conservative or reactionary section of a political party, organization, etc
right wing
The forward who lines up and operates primarily on the right side of the ice, usually a right-handed shooter
right wing
The forward (usually right-handed or with a right-handed shot) who attacks the right side of the opponent's defensive zone
A right-wing person or group has conservative or capitalist views. a right-wing government left-wing
The spelling right wing is also used for meaning 2
believing in or supporting tenets of the political right
The right wing of a political party consists of the members who have the most conservative or the most capitalist views. the right wing of the Conservative Party left-wing. a right-wing person or group supports the ideas and beliefs of capitalism   left-wing
sea wing
A wing shell (Avicula)
water wing
One of two walls built on either side of the junction of a bridge with the bank of a river, to protect the abutment of the bridge and the bank from the action of the current
Represented with wings, or having wings, of a different tincture from the body
having wings
very fast; as if with wings; "on winged feet" having or as if having wings; "the winged feet of Mercury"
Fanned with wings; swarming with birds
A winged insect or other creature has wings. Flycatchers feed primarily on winged insects. having wings
having or as if having wings; "the winged feet of Mercury"
very fast; as if with wings; "on winged feet"
{s} able to fly; moving swiftly; having wings
Soaring with wings, or as if with wings; hence, elevated; lofty; sublime
Wounded or hurt in the wing
Furnished with wings; transported by flying; having winglike expansions
Swift; rapid
Furnished with a leaflike appendage, as the fruit of the elm and the ash, or the stem in certain plants; alate
present participle of wing
{s} lacking wings
Having no wings; not able to ascend or fly
resembling a wing in shape or position
{s} resembling a wing, similar to a wing
The wing positions move up and down the length of the ice backing up the center on the attack to organize shots on goal
The two side petals in flowers of the Pea family
Appendages used for flight Insects with wings have either one or two pair If a second pair is absent, halteres are often in the place of the missing pair (refer to halteres) Wings may be membranous or scleritized Scleritized wings may be in the form protective elytra (in coleoptera) or tegmina (in orthoptera) The scleritized forewing covers the membranous hind wing and protects it from undue wear and tear Membranous wings are usually highly veined with membrane between (hence 'membranous'), although the membrane may be covered with scales as in butterflies (lepidoptera)
The parts of the field near the touchlines
Pokémon with wings, flight-capable or not Skills: Razor Wind, Wing Attack, Step In, Steel Wing
stylized bird wings worn as an insignia by qualified pilots or air crew members
The portion of the stage area located to either side of the acting area
Two players who flank the center on his right and left sides and, with him, make up the attacking unit or forward line
an airfoil that develops a major part of the lift which supports a heavier-than-air aircraft
Türkisch - Englisch

Definition von wing im Türkisch Englisch wörterbuch

kulaklı somun wing nut
(a thumbnut)