wieder in einen zustand versetzt

listen to the pronunciation of wieder in einen zustand versetzt
Englisch - Türkisch

Definition von wieder in einen zustand versetzt im Englisch Türkisch wörterbuch

{s} onarılmış

Eski, onarılmış, buharlı bir trene de binebilirsin. - You can also ride on an old, restored, steam train.

{f} iade et
iade edilmiş
(sıfat) onarılmış
Deutsch - Englisch
Pertaining to something or someone renewed or rebuilt

A fully-restored Volkswagon beetle will cost more.

Simple past tense and past participle of restore
feeling better and stronger
brought back to original condition; "a restored painting"; "felt a restored faith in human beings"
brought back to original condition; "a restored painting"; "felt a restored faith in human beings
No such animal! Still, one sees it occasionally in some pricelist or catalog description
past of restore
The point in the project where disturbed land areas no longer require active management (i e , the site has reached a planned condition, but not necessarily the former or unimpaired condition) Restored conditions and processes should replicate those of the ecological zone in which the disturbance occurs, including the biological and physical components of the ecosystem, such as the geomorphology, hydrology, soils, biodiversity, and natural process linkages
This is a very important word To restore a doll does not mean that you can't wash the doll or restring a composition body Restoring is when you perform repairs, such as painting and adding on previously missing parts
wieder in einen zustand versetzt