when you breathe in, you take some air into your lungs. she breathed in deeply

listen to the pronunciation of when you breathe in, you take some air into your lungs. she breathed in deeply
Englisch - Türkisch

Definition von when you breathe in, you take some air into your lungs. she breathed in deeply im Englisch Türkisch wörterbuch

breathe in
breathe in
can kulağı ile dinlemek
breathe in
soluk almak
breathe in
can kulağıyla dinle
breathe in
soluk al
breathe in
Nefes almak, nefesi içine çekmek
breathe in
nefes almak
Englisch - Englisch
breathe in
when you breathe in, you take some air into your lungs. she breathed in deeply


    when you breathe in, you take some A·ir in·to your lungs. she breathed in deep·ly

