weit verstreut

listen to the pronunciation of weit verstreut
Englisch - Türkisch

Definition von weit verstreut im Englisch Türkisch wörterbuch

Deutsch - Englisch
Remote or distant, in space, time or relationship
Wide-ranging, widespread or widely distributed
spread over a large area
distributed over a considerable extent; "far-flung trading operations"; "the West's far-flung mountain ranges"; "widespread nuclear fallout"
distributed over a considerable extent; "far-flung trading operations"; "the West's far-flung mountain ranges"; "widespread nuclear fallout
remote; "far-flung corners of the Empire"
Far-flung places are a very long distance away from where you are or from important places. Ferries are a lifeline to the far-flung corners of Scotland. one of the farthest-flung outposts of the old Roman Empire. = remote