we need a hospital which serves a large area of wales

listen to the pronunciation of we need a hospital which serves a large area of wales
Englisch - Deutsch
Wir brauchen ein Krankenhaus, das einen großen Teil von Wales versorgt
we need a hospital which serves a large area of wales


    we need a hos·pi·tal which serves a large ar·e·a of Wales

    Türkische aussprache

    wi nid ı häspîtıl hwîç sırvz ı lärc eriı ıv weylz


    /ˈwē ˈnēd ə ˈhäsˌpətəl ˈhwəʧ ˈsərvz ə ˈlärʤ ˈerēə əv ˈwālz/ /ˈwiː ˈniːd ə ˈhɑːsˌpɪtəl ˈhwɪʧ ˈsɜrvz ə ˈlɑːrʤ ˈɛriːə əv ˈweɪlz/