"(The) Wayne Brady Show" Brand-new comedy/variety show, starring - you guessed it! - Wayne Brady Debuts Wednesday, August 8th, at 8pm on ABC
Work Breakdown Structure - a further demarcation of the Work Time related to a particular Project - see Task also
While conventional MD playback is done with 16-bit signal processing, WSB technology increases the rate to 18-bit or higher This results in more accurate playback of even subtle sound signals, and greatly improves the S/N ratio
Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) is a description of the processes which produce an object, articulated to show task dependencies, critical paths, resource needs, etc It helps to match production steps to available resources
Work Breakdown Structure The partitioning of a project into manageable units (or tasks) which can be individually planned, estimated and managed Related links: http: //www chambers com au/sample_p/wbs_cncp htm