water level

listen to the pronunciation of water level
Englisch - Türkisch
su düzeyi
(Tekstil) Su terazisi
su seviyesi/düzeyi
(isim) su seviyesi
{i} su seviyesi

Nehrin su seviyesi yükseldi. - The river's water level has risen.

Tuna'nın su seviyesi rekor yüksekliğe ulaştı. - The Danube's water level has reached a record high.

suyun seviyesi
still water level
(Askeri) durgun su seviyesi
cooling water level indicator
soğutma suyu göstergesi
high water level
yüksek su seviyesi
maximum water level
en yüksek su seviyesi
mean water level
ortalama su düzeyi
receding of the water level
su seviyesinin inmesi
top water level
en yüksek su seviyesi
abnormal water level
olağanüstü su düzeyi
abnormal water level
olağanüstü su seviyesi
exceptional water level
olağanüstü su seviyesi
falling of the water level
su seviyesinin inmesi
free water level
serbest su yüksekliği
high water level
yüksek su düzeyi
level of water
su düzeyi
level of water
su seviyesi
mean high water level
(Askeri) ortalama yüksek su seviyesi
minimum water level
minimum su seviyesi
probable maximum water level
(Askeri) olası maximum su seviyesi
raising of water level
su seviyesi yükselmesi
raising of water level
su düzeyi yükselmesi
rate of rise of water level
su düzeyi yükselme hızı
rate of rise of water level
su seviyesi yükselme hızı
reactor water level control
(Nükleer Bilimler) reaktör suyu seviyesi kontrolu
rising of water level
su seviyesi yükselmesi
rising of water level
su düzeyi yükselmesi
river water level
(Çevre) nehir su seviyesi
underground water level
yeraltı su düzeyi
Englisch - Englisch
The level of the water table below ground
The level of a body of water, especially when measured above a datum line
The waterline of a ship
A kind of leveling instrument
See under Level, n
Elevation of still water level relative to some datum
Surface level of water
The level formed by the surface of still water
a line corresponding to the surface of the water when the vessel is afloat on an even keel; often painted on the hull of a ship
a water gauge that shows the level by showing the surface of the water in a trough or U-shaped tube
is the water-surface elevation or stage of the free surface of a body of water above or below any datum (see "Gage height"), or the surface of water standing in a well, usually indicative of the position of the water table or other potentiometric surface
{i} water gauge to display level by showing the surface of water in a trough or in a U-shaped tube; height of the water, determination of the quantity of water in a given body of water; water line
the level of the surface of a body of water
a water gauge that shows the level by showing the surface of the water in a trough or U-shaped tube the level of the surface of a body of water
The elevation of a particular point or small patch on the surface of a body of water above a specific point or surface, averaged over a period of time sufficiently long to remove the effects of short period disturbances
underground surface below which the ground is wholly saturated with water; "spring rains had raised the water table"
water level of the Kinneret
height to which the waters of the Sea of Galilee reach
water levels
plural form of water level
{i} water gauge to show the level by showing the surface of water in a trough or in a U-shaped tube; height of the water, determination of the quantity of water in a given body of water; water line
water level


    wa·ter lev·el

    Türkische aussprache

    wôtır levıl


    /ˈwôtər ˈlevəl/ /ˈwɔːtɜr ˈlɛvəl/


    [ 'wo-t&r, 'wä- ] (noun.) before 12th century. Middle English, from Old English wæter; akin to Old High German wazzar water, Greek hydOr, Latin unda wave.


    ... This is New York City as it is now.  The red zone will be underwater if the water level ...