water down

listen to the pronunciation of water down
Englisch - Türkisch
Englisch - Englisch
To simplify or oversimplify; to make easier; to make less difficult

If you plan to teach this material to children, you may need to water it down.

To dilute; to add water

You need to water down the lemonade a bit more to make it less sweet, dear.

To make weaker
If something such as a proposal, speech, or statement is watered down, it is made much weaker and less forceful, or less likely to make people angry. Proposed legislation affecting bird-keepers has been watered down. see also watered-down = tone down
thin by adding water to; "They watered down the moonshine"
If you water down a substance, for example food or drink, you add water to it to make it weaker. You can water down a glass of wine and make it last twice as long I bought a water-based paint, then decided to water it down even more. = dilute
make less strong or intense; "water down the mixture"
make less strong or intense; "water down the mixture
dilute, make watery; reduce the strength of, make less intense
water down


    wa·ter Down

    Türkische aussprache

    wôtır daun


    /ˈwôtər ˈdoun/ /ˈwɔːtɜr ˈdaʊn/


    [ 'wo-t&r, 'wä- ] (noun.) before 12th century. Middle English, from Old English wæter; akin to Old High German wazzar water, Greek hydOr, Latin unda wave.