Way to restart the computer without turning off the power Can be done by pressing command/ctrl/start or by selecting Restart from the "Special" menu on a Mac
One of two ways to boot the reader; compare to cold boot A warm boot performs the power-on self test (POST) to ensure that the hardware and peripherals are operational, runs CONFIG SYS and AUTOEXEC BAT, and displays the DOS prompt The contents of both conventional memory and the physical RAM drive (drive E) remain intact You may warm boot the reader to execute startup files, such as AUTOEXEC BAT, that have changed You may also warm boot to start Interlnk
The act or process of restarting a computer without turning off the power. A warm boot erases everything in RAM and then reloads the operating system into RAM
also called a soft reboot; when a user hits the reset button on their computer or the key combination CONTROL, ALT, and DELETE to have their computer reboot