wäsche (die gerade gewaschen wird)

listen to the pronunciation of wäsche (die gerade gewaschen wird)
Englisch - Türkisch

Definition von wäsche (die gerade gewaschen wird) im Englisch Türkisch wörterbuch


Ellerinizi düzenli olarak yıkama bazı hastalıklara yakalanmayı önlemek için iyi bir yoldur. - Washing your hands regularly is a good way to prevent catching some diseases.

Onun işi arabaları yıkamaktır. - His work is washing cars.

{i} yıkanma

Bu pamuk çoraplar, yıkanmaya iyi dayanır. - These cotton socks bear washing well.

Zemin o kadar kirli ki yıkanması gerekir. - The floor is so dirty that It requires washing.

washing machine çamaşır makinası
{f} yıka

Tom bulaşık yıkamayı sevmez. - Tom doesn't like washing dishes.

Arabayı yıkamak beklediğimizden daha uzun zaman aldı. - Washing the car took longer than we expected.

{i} çamaşır yıkama

Evde çamaşır makinem yok ve bu yüzden çamaşır yıkamak için çamaşır odasına gitmek zorundayım. - I don't have a washing machine at home, and so I have to go to the washing room in order to do the laundry.

Çamaşır yıkamak benim işimdir. - Washing clothes is my work.


Çamaşır makinesi harika bir icattır. - The washing machine is a wonderful invention.

Evde bir çamaşır makinesi var mı ? - Is there a washing machine in the house?

washing soda çamaşır sodası
{i} bulaşık yıkama

O, her zaman bulaşık yıkamaktan kaytarırdı. - She always got out of washing-up.

Tom bulaşık yıkamayı sevmez. - Tom doesn't like washing dishes.

{i} lavman
wash yıkan/yıka
ince madeni kaplama
{i} ince kaplama
{i} (kirli/yıkanmış) çamaşır
{i} ince boya
Deutsch - Englisch
The action of the verb to wash
the liquid used to wash an ore
The residue after an ore, etc, has been washed
The act of one who washes; the act of cleansing with water; ablution
clothing, bed linen or soft furnishings that have been or are to be washed
garments or white goods that can be cleaned by laundering
- When ready to use, fill a bowl with cool water and gently swish the herbs to rinse off any grit Lift them out and dry thoroughly in a salad spinner or blot between dish towels
The clothes washed, esp
The transaction is fictitious, and is prohibited by stock-exchange rules
the action of the noun to wash
A method of cast coloration which emphasizes highlighting details rather than making the cast appear realistic It is usually a single coat of neutral pigment suspended in water or an appropriate medium
Rugs may be washed in chemical solutions to soften (bleach) colors and to increase the lustre of fibers
the work of cleansing (usually with soap and water)
A thin covering or coat; as, a washing of silver
at one time; a wash
Washing is a collection of clothes, sheets, and other things which are waiting to be washed, are being washed, or have just been washed. plastic bags full of dirty washing. clothes that need to be washed, are being washed, or have just been washed American Equivalent: wash
The covering of a piece with an infusible powder, which prevents it from sticking to its supports, while receiving the glaze
A film-processing step that uses water to remove unwanted soluble chemicals from photographic material
A wash is a thin and extremely fluid application of colour made by diluting paint to excess with a suitable thinner
The operation of simultaneously buying and selling the same stock for the purpose of manipulating the market
wäsche (die gerade gewaschen wird)