
listen to the pronunciation of von
Türkisch - Türkisch
Her iki Kore'nin de para birimi
Englisch - Englisch
prep. Friedrich Leopold Baron von Hardenberg Aehrenthal Aloys Count Lexa von Bach Alexander baron von Baer Karl Ernst knight von Baeyer Johann Friedrich Wilhelm Adolf von Békésy Georg von Berchtold Leopold count von Bernhardi Friedrich von Bernstorff Johann Heinrich count von Bethmann Hollweg Theobald von Beust Friedrich Ferdinand count von Bismarck Otto Eduard Leopold prince von Blücher Gebhard Leberecht von prince von Wahlstatt Brauchitsch Heinrich Alfred Walther von Braun Wernher von Bülow Bernhard Heinrich Martin Karl prince von Bülow Hans Guido baron von Caprivi Georg Leo count von Clausewitz Carl Philipp Gottlieb von Conrad von Hötzendorf Franz Xaver Josef Count Doris von Kappelhoff Ditters von Dittersdorf Carl Eichendorff Joseph Baron von Faber Lothar von Faulhaber Michael von Frisch Karl von Ritter knight von Gluck Gneisenau August Wilhelm Anton Count Neidhardt von Goethe Johann Wolfgang von Gottfried von Strassburg Gräfe Albrecht Friedrich Wilhelm Ernst von Graves Robert von Ranke Hardenberg Karl August prince von Hartmann von Aue Hayek Friedrich August von Heidenstam Carl Gustaf Verner von Helmholtz Hermann Ludwig Ferdinand von Herder Johann Gottfried von Heyse Paul Johann Ludwig von Hildegard von Bingen Hofmannsthal Hugo von Holst Gustavus Theodore von Holstein Friedrich August von Hornbostel Erich Moritz von Humboldt Karl Wilhelm baron von Jhering Rudolf von Karajan Herbert von Kármán Theodore von Kiderlen Wächter Alfred von Kleist Bernd Heinrich Wilhelm von Köchel Ludwig Alois Ferdinand von Kotzebue August Friedrich Ferdinand von Krafft Ebing Richard Freiherr Baron von Laban Rudolf von Laue Max Theodor Felix von Leibniz Gottfried Wilhelm Freiherr baron von Leibniz Bruno count von Egisheim und Dagsburg Liebig Justus Freiherr baron von Liman von Sanders Otto Carl von Linné Meinong Alexius Ritter knight von Handschuchsheim Mises Ludwig Edler von Moltke Helmuth Johannes Ludwig von Moltke Helmuth Karl Bernhard count von Neurath Konstantin baron von Papen Franz von Pirquet Clemens baron von Pufendorf Samuel baron von Ranke Leopold von Reuter Paul Julius Baron von Reuter Ribbentrop Joachim von Richthofen Manfred baron von Rokitansky Karl baron von Roon Albrecht Theodor Emil count von Rundstedt Karl Rudolf Gerd von Savigny Friedrich Karl von Scharnhorst Gerhard Johann David von Schelling Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von Schiller Johann Christoph Friedrich von Schlegel August Wilhelm von Schlegel Friedrich von Schleicher Kurt von Schönerer Georg knight von Schuschnigg Kurt von Seeckt Hans von Starhemberg Ernst Rüdiger prince von Sternberg Josef von Steuben Frederick William Augustus Baron von Stroheim Erich von Struve Friedrich Georg Wilhelm von Sydow Max von Carl Adolf von Sydow Taaffe Eduard count von Thünen Johann Heinrich von Tilly Johann Tserclaes count von Tirpitz Alfred von Treitschke Heinrich von Tschermak von Seysenegg Erich Vierordt Karl von von Neumann John Johann Von Neumann Julius Wagner knight von Jauregg Walther von der Vogelweide Wassermann August von Weber Carl Maria Friedrich Ernst von Webern Anton Friedrich Wilhelm von Weingartner Paul Felix lord von Münzberg Wenzel Anton prince von Kaunitz Rietberg Arcangela Wertmüller von Elgg Wolff Christian Freiherr baron von Wolfram von Eschenbach Yorck von Wartenburg Johann David Ludwig Count Franz Albrecht August Karl Emanuel prince von Sachsen Coburg Gotha Alix Princess von Hesse Darmstadt Arnim Bettina von Karl Eitel Friedrich prince von Hohenzollern Sigmaringen Sophie Friederike Auguste princess von Anhalt Zerbst Droste Hülshoff Annette Baroness von Hindenburg Paul von Paul Ludwig Hans Anton von Beneckendorff und von Hindenburg Humboldt Friedrich Wilhelm Heinrich Alexander Freiherr baron von Kekule von Stradonitz Friedrich August Metternich Winneburg Beilstein Klemens Wenzel Nepomuk Lothar prince von Napoleon II duke von Reichstadt Philippus Aureolus Theophrastus Bombastus von Hohenheim Karl Peter Ulrich duke von Holstein Gottorp Wallenstein Albrecht Wenzel Eusebius von duke von Friedland Duke von Mecklenburg
{e} (German) from (used in names to indicate origin, nobility, or noble ancestry)
Von Kármán vortex street
a double row of vortices in a fluid sometimes found in the wake of a cylindrical body (such as in a river, downstream of a bridge support), eddies being produced from alternate sides of the body
Von Kármán vortex streets
plural form of Von Kármán vortex street
Von Restorff effect
The effect that distinctive things are easier to remember
von Neumann machine
Any machine that is capable of self-replication
von Neumann machine
Any computer that has a central processing unit and can store programs in memory
von Willebrand disease
An hereditary disease, characterized by a tendency to hemorrhage, and caused by a defect in blood platelet activity
von Willebrand's disease
An hereditary disease, characterized by a tendency to hemorrhage, and caused by a defect in blood platelet activity
Albrecht Wenzel Eusebius von duke von Friedland Wallenstein
later Duke von Mecklenburg born Sept. 24, 1583, Hemanice, Bohemia died Feb. 25, 1634, Eger Austrian general. A noble of Bohemia, he served with the future Habsburg emperor Ferdinand II in the campaign against Venice in 1617. He remained loyal to Ferdinand when other Bohemian nobles revolted (1618-23) and was made governor of Bohemia and allowed to acquire vast holdings in confiscated estates. Created duke of Friedland (1625), he commanded the imperial armies in the Thirty Years' War. After successes in the war against Denmark (1625-29), he was awarded the principality of Sagan (1627) and the duchy of Mecklenburg (1629). Under pressure from the German princes, Ferdinand was forced to dismiss Wallenstein. Recalled to imperial command in 1631, he drove the Swedish army from Bavaria and Franconia but was defeated at the Battle of Lützen (1632). Believing he had the support of his generals, he mounted a revolt against the emperor (1634) and was assassinated
Gebhard Leberecht von prince von Wahlstatt Blücher
born Dec. 16, 1742, Rostock, Mecklenburg died Sept. 12, 1819, Krieblowitz, near Kanth, Silesia, Prussia Prussian military leader. He joined the Prussian army in 1760 and commanded troops against the French (1793-94) and in the Napoleonic Wars. In 1813 he came out of retirement to command Prussian troops against the French, defeating them at Wahlstatt and assisting in the allied victory at the Battle of Leipzig. In 1815 he again commanded Prussian forces in the Battle of Waterloo, coordinating his army with the allied forces under the duke of Wellington to bring about Napoleon's defeat