
listen to the pronunciation of viyabilite
Türkisch - Englisch
(Tıp) viability
The potential to exist successfully or survive
Capability to live; capability of a spore or seed to germinate and grow
(of living things) capable of normal growth and development
{i} state of being viable; ability to sustain life outside the womb; feasibility (as of a plan or a venture)
The quality or state of being viable
survivability, having the capability to survive in a form that can develop, live, and reproduce in a normal fashion
capable of become practical and useful
the ability to run efficiently and productively Hence a viable local authority is one that does not spend more than it can afford to, but will commit its resources as planned and as effectively as possible
– Capability of living, developing or germinating under favorable conditions
the property of being viable; the ability to live or to succeed
A population of sufficient numbers and reproductive potential to maintain its existence over time in spite of normal fluctuations in population levels
The ability of a seed to germinate Top W
(of living things) capable of normal growth and development capable of become practical and useful
Usually a reference to the amount of money candidates have or can raise for their campaigns Viable (or, sometimes, "credible") candidates are those considered to have enough money to win
The capacity of living after birth
The capacity of living, or being distributed, over wide geographical limits; as, the viability of a species
- The ability of a population of a plant or animal species to persist for some specified time into the future Viable populations are populations that are regarded as having the estimated numbers and distribution of reproductive individuals to ensure that its continued existence is well distributed in a given area