
listen to the pronunciation of video-
Deutsch - Türkisch
Türkisch - Türkisch

Definition von video- im Türkisch Türkisch wörterbuch

<span class="word-self">videospan>
Englisch - Türkisch

Definition von video- im Englisch Türkisch wörterbuch

Digital <span class="word-self">videospan> rrecorder
Dijital video kayıt edici, dvr
audio/<span class="word-self">videospan>
(Bilgisayar) görsel/işitsel
composite <span class="word-self">videospan> signal
(Bilgisayar,Televizyon) bileşik video işareti
faster <span class="word-self">videospan>
(Bilgisayar) daha hızlı görüntü
faster <span class="word-self">videospan>
(Bilgisayar) daha hızlı
freeze frame <span class="word-self">videospan>
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) duruk çerçeveli video
full motion <span class="word-self">videospan>
(Bilgisayar) tüm devinimli video
motion <span class="word-self">videospan>
(Bilgisayar) hareketli video
record <span class="word-self">videospan>
(Bilgisayar) video kaydet
remote <span class="word-self">videospan>
(Bilgisayar) uzak video
reverse <span class="word-self">videospan>
(Sinema,Teknik) ters video
<span class="word-self">videospan>
video kaset
<span class="word-self">videospan> arcade
atari salonu
<span class="word-self">videospan> player
oynatıcı video
<span class="word-self">videospan> quality
(Bilgisayar) görüntü kalitesi
<span class="word-self">videospan> tapes
best <span class="word-self">videospan> return
en iyi video geri dönüşü
composite <span class="word-self">videospan> signal
bileşik resim sinyali
inverse <span class="word-self">videospan>
ters video
reply <span class="word-self">videospan> pulse
cevap video atışı
<span class="word-self">videospan>
<span class="word-self">videospan>
<span class="word-self">videospan> adapter
video adaptörü
<span class="word-self">videospan> display terminal
video görüntü terminali
<span class="word-self">videospan> equipment
video teçhizatı
<span class="word-self">videospan> game
video oyunu
<span class="word-self">videospan> graphics adapter
video grafik adaptörü
<span class="word-self">videospan> memory
video belleği
<span class="word-self">videospan> memoyy
görüntü belleği
<span class="word-self">videospan> monitor
<span class="word-self">videospan> signal
video sinyali
<span class="word-self">videospan> tape
video bantı
digital <span class="word-self">videospan> recorder
dijital video kaydedici
electronic <span class="word-self">videospan> recording
elektronik görüntü saptama
inquiry <span class="word-self">videospan>
Soruşturma video
laser <span class="word-self">videospan> disk
lazer video disk
porn <span class="word-self">videospan>
porno video
positive <span class="word-self">videospan> signal
pozitif resim sinyali
<span class="word-self">videospan> call
Görüntülü arama

Does iPhone 3g support video call?.

<span class="word-self">videospan> cassette recorder
video, kaydedeci oynatıcı video
<span class="word-self">videospan> chat
görüntülü sohbet
<span class="word-self">videospan> communication
<span class="word-self">videospan> conference
video konferans
<span class="word-self">videospan> conferencing
video konferans
<span class="word-self">videospan> converter
Video dosya dönüştürücüsü
<span class="word-self">videospan> cut
video kesme
<span class="word-self">videospan> detector
video detektör
<span class="word-self">videospan> disk
video disk
<span class="word-self">videospan> disk player
video disk çalicisi
<span class="word-self">videospan> engineer
video mühendisi, alıcı denetçisi
<span class="word-self">videospan> games
video oyunları
<span class="word-self">videospan> installation
video kurulumu
<span class="word-self">videospan> mixing desk
reji masası, yönetim masası
<span class="word-self">videospan> on demand
ismarlama video
<span class="word-self">videospan> on demand
ısmarlama video
<span class="word-self">videospan> recording
video kayıt
<span class="word-self">videospan> store
CD, DVD filmlerini kiraya veren dükkan
<span class="word-self">videospan> tape recorder
<span class="word-self">videospan> track
video yolu
you have watchhed 72 minutes of <span class="word-self">videospan> today
bugün 72 dakikalık video izlediniz
adjective <span class="word-self">videospan> carrier
(Tiyatro) komşu video taşıyıcısı
aircraft cockpit <span class="word-self">videospan>; air cushion vehicle; armored combat vehicle
(Askeri) uçak kokpit videosu; hava yastıklı araç; zırhlı muharebe aracı
analog <span class="word-self">videospan> in
(Bilgisayar) analog video girişi
audio and <span class="word-self">videospan>
(Bilgisayar) ses ve video
audio/<span class="word-self">videospan>
concurrent <span class="word-self">videospan> update
Koşutzamanlı Görüntü Güncelleştirme
detach my <span class="word-self">videospan>
(Bilgisayar) videomu çıkart
digital <span class="word-self">videospan>
Sayısal Görüntü
freeze frame <span class="word-self">videospan>
duruk cerceveli video
full motion <span class="word-self">videospan>
tum devinimli video
guest <span class="word-self">videospan>
(Bilgisayar) konuk video
i would like to see a <span class="word-self">videospan> camera
(fiil)deo kamera görmek istiyorum
microsoft <span class="word-self">videospan> 1
(Bilgisayar) microsoft video 1
microsoft <span class="word-self">videospan> codecs
(Bilgisayar) microsoft video codecleri
photos and <span class="word-self">videospan> prohibited
fotoğraf ve film çekmek yasak
remote <span class="word-self">videospan> terminal
(Askeri) uzak video terminali
share <span class="word-self">videospan>
(Bilgisayar) video'yu paylaş
shared <span class="word-self">videospan>
(Bilgisayar) paylaşılan video
shoot a <span class="word-self">videospan>
klip çekmek
step <span class="word-self">videospan>
(Bilgisayar) adım video
this <span class="word-self">videospan> camera is for my personal use
bu video kamera benim kişisel kullanımım için
unsupported <span class="word-self">videospan> format
(Bilgisayar) desteklenmeyen video biçimi
<span class="word-self">videospan>
{s} ekran
<span class="word-self">videospan>
{i} video terminal
<span class="word-self">videospan>
{i} televizyon [amer.]
<span class="word-self">videospan>
televizyonla resim nakline ait
<span class="word-self">videospan>
i., s. video
<span class="word-self">videospan>
video tape görüntü ve ses kaydeden televizyon bandı
<span class="word-self">videospan>
{i} video filmi
<span class="word-self">videospan>

Bir yerel televizyon kanalı için video çekti. - He took the video to a local TV station.

<span class="word-self">videospan> amplifier
video amplifikatörü
<span class="word-self">videospan> amplifier
(Askeri) VİDEO AMPLİFİKATÖRÜ: Odyo frekans bandını ihtiva eden ve bunu da aşan çok geniş bir frekans sahası üzerinde amplifikasyon yapabilen bir devre
<span class="word-self">videospan> attribute
video turu
<span class="word-self">videospan> cable
görünü kablosu
<span class="word-self">videospan> camera
video kamera
<span class="word-self">videospan> codecs
(Bilgisayar) video kodlayıcıları
<span class="word-self">videospan> coding
video kodlama
<span class="word-self">videospan> connector
(Bilgisayar) video bağlayıcı
<span class="word-self">videospan> decoder
(Bilgisayar) video şifre çözücüsü
<span class="word-self">videospan> delay
Video Gecikmesi
<span class="word-self">videospan> driver
(Bilgisayar) video sürücüsü
<span class="word-self">videospan> driver
görüntü sürücüsü
<span class="word-self">videospan> encoder
(Bilgisayar) görüntü şifreleyicisi
<span class="word-self">videospan> format
Video Biçimi
<span class="word-self">videospan> graphics adapter
(VGA) Video Grafik Bağdaştırıcı
<span class="word-self">videospan> information exchange system
(Askeri) video bilgisi değişim sistemi
<span class="word-self">videospan> jack
Görüntü bağlantısı
<span class="word-self">videospan> labels
(Bilgisayar) video etiketleri
<span class="word-self">videospan> mode
video kipi
<span class="word-self">videospan> only
(Bilgisayar) yalnızca görüntü
<span class="word-self">videospan> port
(Bilgisayar) video bağlantı noktası
<span class="word-self">videospan> port
görüntü kapısı
<span class="word-self">videospan> presentation
(Nükleer Bilimler) video gösterimi
<span class="word-self">videospan> processor
(Askeri) video işlemcisi
<span class="word-self">videospan> recorder
(fiil)deo teyp
<span class="word-self">videospan> recorder
video teyp
<span class="word-self">videospan> remote
(Otomotiv) video uzaktan kumandası
<span class="word-self">videospan> resolution
video cozunurluk
<span class="word-self">videospan> sequence
Video Sırası
<span class="word-self">videospan> sequence
Video Dizini
<span class="word-self">videospan> standards
(Bilgisayar) video standartları
<span class="word-self">videospan> tape
{i} video kaset
<span class="word-self">videospan> tape
Video Kaseti
<span class="word-self">videospan> tape
(isim) video kaset
<span class="word-self">videospan> tape id
(Bilgisayar) video kaset no
<span class="word-self">videospan> teletraining
(Askeri) video ile uzaktan eğitim
<span class="word-self">videospan> terminals
(Bilgisayar) video terminalleri
<span class="word-self">videospan> tuner
(Bilgisayar) görüntü ayarlayıcı
<span class="word-self">videospan> volume
(Bilgisayar) video sesi
weapon system <span class="word-self">videospan>
(Askeri) silah sistemi videosu
Deutsch - Englisch

Definition von video- im Deutsch Englisch wörterbuch

<span class="word-self">Videospan>-Blog n/m
<span class="word-self">Videospan>-Blog n/m
video blog
<span class="word-self">Videospan>-Blogger
<span class="word-self">Videospan>-Bloggerin
<span class="word-self">Videospan>-Codec
video codec
(einen Film, ein <span class="word-self">Videospan> etc.) drehen
to shoot (a film, a video etc.)
Audio-<span class="word-self">Videospan>-Gerät
audio-visual set
Audio-<span class="word-self">Videospan>-Geräte
audio-visual sets
Audio-<span class="word-self">Videospan>-Technik
audio-video technology
Audio-<span class="word-self">Videospan>-Trennung
audio-video split
Audiosynchronkopf (<span class="word-self">Videospan>)
audio sync head (video)
Bewegtbild… (<span class="word-self">Videospan>)
full-motion (video)
Bildsuchlauf (<span class="word-self">Videospan>)
cue review
Buh-Effekt (in einem Film/<span class="word-self">Videospan>)
jump scare (in a film/video)
Das <span class="word-self">Videospan> ist mit melodiöser Musik unterlegt.
The video is set to melodious music
Das <span class="word-self">Videospan> verzeichnete in 24 Studien mehr als eine Million Klicks.
The video received more than a million views in 24 hours
Das <span class="word-self">Videospan> wurde in 24 Stunden mehr als eine Million Mal aufgerufen / angeklickt.
The video received more than a million views in 24 hours
Dieses <span class="word-self">Videospan> wurde wegen Verletzung der Nutzungsbedingungen entfernt.
This video has been removed due to terms of use violation
Dreh (Film, <span class="word-self">Videospan>)
making of a/the film/video
Dreh (Film, <span class="word-self">Videospan>)
Dreh (Film, <span class="word-self">Videospan>)
Einblendfenster (TV, <span class="word-self">Videospan>)
insert (small picture with different action in the main picture) (TV, video)
Farbverfälschung (<span class="word-self">Videospan>)
colour /color purity error (video)
Farbverfälschung (<span class="word-self">Videospan>)
colour /color registration error
Festplattenaufzeichnung (Audio, <span class="word-self">Videospan>)
hard disc /disk recording
Folge (einer Serie) (TV, <span class="word-self">Videospan>)
episode (of a series) (TV, video)
Heimkinoanlage (Audio, <span class="word-self">Videospan>)
home movie system
Heimkinoanlage (Audio, <span class="word-self">Videospan>)
home cinema system
Heimkinoanlage (Audio, <span class="word-self">Videospan>)
home movie unit (audio, video)
Heimkinoanlage (Audio, <span class="word-self">Videospan>)
home cinema unit
Live-Aufnahme (Audio) (<span class="word-self">Videospan>)
live recording
Mischraum (Audio, <span class="word-self">Videospan>)
mixing booth (audio, video)
Mutterband (Audio, <span class="word-self">Videospan>)
master tape (audio, video)
Remake (<span class="word-self">Videospan>, Audio)
Schwenk (Film, <span class="word-self">Videospan>)
pan (film, video)
Schwenk (Film, <span class="word-self">Videospan>)
camera pan
Schwenken / Schwenkung {f} mit der Kamera (Film, <span class="word-self">Videospan>)
panning (film, video)
Schwenken / Schwenkung {f} mit der Kamera (Film, <span class="word-self">Videospan>)
camera panning
Schwenkkopf (Film, <span class="word-self">Videospan>)
panning head
Schwenkkopf (Film, <span class="word-self">Videospan>)
pan head (film, video)
Spule (audio, <span class="word-self">videospan>)
Stabilisierungsstativ (Film, <span class="word-self">Videospan>)
stabilizing mount (film, video)
Stabilisierungsstativ (Film, <span class="word-self">Videospan>)
camera stabilizer
Szene (Film, TV, <span class="word-self">Videospan>)
visual scene
Szene (Film, TV, <span class="word-self">Videospan>)
scene (film, TV, video)
Tonspur (<span class="word-self">Videospan>)
audio track (video)
<span class="word-self">Videospan>
<span class="word-self">Videospan>
video recording
<span class="word-self">Videospan> (im Gegensatz zu Audio)
video (as opposed to audio)
<span class="word-self">Videospan> (im Gegensatz zu Audio)
video signals
<span class="word-self">Videospan> (im Gegensatz zu Audio)
video data
<span class="word-self">Videospan> Graphics Array (VGA)
Video Graphics Array (VGA)
Vorspulen (Audio, <span class="word-self">Videospan>)
forward-winding (audio, video)
Wiedergabe (einer Aufzeichnung) Audio / <span class="word-self">Videospan>
Wiedergabe (einer Aufzeichnung) Audio / <span class="word-self">Videospan>
reproduction (of a recording) (audio, video)
Wiedergabegerät Audio / <span class="word-self">Videospan>
playback device
Wiedergabegerät Audio / <span class="word-self">Videospan>
player (audio; video)
Wiederholung (einer Aufnahme) Audio / <span class="word-self">Videospan>, Film
retake (audio, video, film)
Zeitversetzung (Audio) (<span class="word-self">Videospan>)
time shift
auf <span class="word-self">Videospan> bannen
to video something (film with a video camera)
auf <span class="word-self">Videospan> bannen
to videotape something
auf <span class="word-self">Videospan> mitfilmen
to videotape something
auf <span class="word-self">Videospan> mitfilmen
to video something (film with a video camera)
ein <span class="word-self">Videospan> kopieren
to duplicate a video
ein weicher Übergang von einer Sequenz zur nächsten (Audio, <span class="word-self">Videospan>)
a soft transition from one sequence to the next (audio, video)
eine Kopie von dem <span class="word-self">Videospan> machen
to duplicate a video
etw. auf <span class="word-self">Videospan> aufnehmen
to record something on video
etw. auf <span class="word-self">Videospan> aufnehmen
to video-tape something
etw. auf <span class="word-self">Videospan> aufnehmen
to video something
etw. auf/per <span class="word-self">Videospan> filmen
to videotape something
etw. auf/per <span class="word-self">Videospan> filmen
to video something (film with a video camera)
etw. herausschneiden (<span class="word-self">Videospan>) (aus etwas)
to edit something out (of something)
etw. mischen Audio / <span class="word-self">Videospan>
to dub something (audio, video)
etw. mischen Audio / <span class="word-self">Videospan>
to mix something
etw. mit Musik unterlegen (<span class="word-self">Videospan>)
to set. something to music (video)
etw. nachbearbeiten (<span class="word-self">Videospan>- o. Audioaufnahmen)
to remaster something
etw. vorspulen (Audio, <span class="word-self">Videospan>)
to wind on <> something (audio, video)
etw. vorspulen (Audio, <span class="word-self">Videospan>)
to wind forward <> something
etw. zurückspulen (Audio, <span class="word-self">Videospan>)
rewound} (audio, video)
etw. zurückspulen (Audio, <span class="word-self">Videospan>)
to rewind something {rewound
etw. zurückspulen (Audio, <span class="word-self">Videospan>)
to wind back <> something
ladungsgekoppeltes Linienelement (<span class="word-self">Videospan>)
charge-coupled line imaging device /CCLID/
praktische Anleitung (Buch oder <span class="word-self">Videospan>)
tutorial (book or video explaining how something is done)
von jemandem/etw. eine Videoaufnahmen/ein <span class="word-self">Videospan> machen
to make a video (recording) of somebody/sth
zeitversetzt (Audio) (<span class="word-self">Videospan>)
Überblendeinrichtung (TV, <span class="word-self">Videospan>)
lap dissolve shutter (TV, video)
Überblendung (Foto, <span class="word-self">Videospan>, TV)
Überblendung (Foto, <span class="word-self">Videospan>, TV)
Überblendung (Foto, <span class="word-self">Videospan>, TV)
lap dissolve
Überblendung (Foto, <span class="word-self">Videospan>, TV)
Überblendung (Foto, <span class="word-self">Videospan>, TV)
Überblendung (Foto, <span class="word-self">Videospan>, TV)
fade-over (photo, video, TV)
Überspringen von Werbeeinschaltungen (<span class="word-self">Videospan>)
commercial skipping (video)
Türkisch - Englisch

Definition von video- im Türkisch Englisch wörterbuch

<span class="word-self">videospan>-konferans
(Hukuk) video-conference
<span class="word-self">videospan>-konferans yoluyla dinlemek
(Hukuk) hearing by videoconference
<span class="word-self">videospan>
(Elektrik, Elektronik,Teknik) video cassette recorder

I got a video cassette recorder cheap at that shop. - O mağazadan ucuz bir video kaset kaydedici aldım.

<span class="word-self">videospan>
(Bilgisayar) s-video
<span class="word-self">videospan>
videotape recorder
<span class="word-self">videospan>
(Bilgisayar) movie

I saw the movie on video. - Filmi videoda izledim.

I watched a movie on video. - Videoda bir film izledim.

<span class="word-self">videospan> ara yüz ölçünü
computer graphics adapter
<span class="word-self">videospan> bandı
<span class="word-self">videospan> bağdaştırıcısı
(Bilgisayar) video adapter
<span class="word-self">videospan> bileşik
(Bilgisayar) video composite
<span class="word-self">videospan> dosyaları
(Bilgisayar) video files
<span class="word-self">videospan> ekranı
video monitor
<span class="word-self">videospan> filmi
video production
<span class="word-self">videospan> frekans
(Teknik,Televizyon) video frequency
<span class="word-self">videospan> girişi
(Bilgisayar) video in
<span class="word-self">videospan> görüntü birimi
(Bilgisayar) video display
<span class="word-self">videospan> gösterisi
(Bilgisayar) show video in
<span class="word-self">videospan> izleme
(Bilgisayar) video track
<span class="word-self">videospan> işareti
(Teknik,Televizyon) video signal
<span class="word-self">videospan> kamera
<span class="word-self">videospan> kartı
video card
<span class="word-self">videospan> kaset
<span class="word-self">videospan> kaset
<span class="word-self">videospan> kasetler
(Bilgisayar) videotapes
<span class="word-self">videospan> kaydedici
video tape recorder
<span class="word-self">videospan> kaydı
video recording
<span class="word-self">videospan> kaynağı
(Bilgisayar) video source
<span class="word-self">videospan> kayıt cihazı
video recorder
<span class="word-self">videospan> kayıtları
video recording
<span class="word-self">videospan> klibi
(Bilgisayar) video clip
<span class="word-self">videospan> klibi
movie clip
<span class="word-self">videospan> konferans
(Bilgisayar) video conferencing
<span class="word-self">videospan> modu
(Bilgisayar) video mode
<span class="word-self">videospan> oynat
(Bilgisayar) play video
<span class="word-self">videospan> oynatma
(Bilgisayar) video playback
<span class="word-self">videospan> oyunları
video games
<span class="word-self">videospan> oyunu
<span class="word-self">videospan> plus
(Bilgisayar) vcr plus
<span class="word-self">videospan> programları
(Bilgisayar) video programs
<span class="word-self">videospan> sanatı
video art
<span class="word-self">videospan> sıklık
(Bilgisayar) video frequency
<span class="word-self">videospan> sıkıştırma
(Bilgisayar) video compression
<span class="word-self">videospan> sırtı
(Bilgisayar) video spine
<span class="word-self">videospan> teyp
(Bilgisayar) video tape
<span class="word-self">videospan> uçbirim
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) video display terminal
<span class="word-self">videospan> uçbirim
<span class="word-self">videospan> yakala
(Bilgisayar) video capture
<span class="word-self">videospan> yakala
(Bilgisayar) capture video
<span class="word-self">videospan> yakalama
(Bilgisayar) video capture
<span class="word-self">videospan> çekimi
video shoot
<span class="word-self">videospan> çözünürlük
video resolution
<span class="word-self">videospan> çıkışı
(Bilgisayar) video output
<span class="word-self">videospan>

Dan videotaped Linda's apartment. - Dan, Linda'nın dairesini videoya aldı.

I rented a videotape this morning. - Bu sabah bir video kaseti kiraladım.

<span class="word-self">videospan>
analog <span class="word-self">videospan> girisi
analog video input
<span class="word-self">videospan>
video tape recorder
Dijital <span class="word-self">Videospan> Görüntü Gönderme Sistemi
(Askeri) Digital Video Imagery Transmission System
analog <span class="word-self">videospan> girişi
(Bilgisayar) analog video in
bu <span class="word-self">videospan> kamera benim kişisel kullanımım için
This video camera is for my personal use
konuk <span class="word-self">videospan>
(Bilgisayar) guest video
microsoft <span class="word-self">videospan> 1
(Bilgisayar) microsoft video 1
microsoft <span class="word-self">videospan> codecleri
(Bilgisayar) microsoft video codecs
sony <span class="word-self">videospan> kamera
(Bilgisayar) sony camcorder
<span class="word-self">videospan>
video, related to or used in the transmission or reception of a television image: video teyp video tape
<span class="word-self">videospan>
video player
<span class="word-self">videospan>
television video deck; video player; video recorder
<span class="word-self">videospan> alt sistemi
(Askeri) video subsystem
<span class="word-self">videospan> bağlantı noktası
(Bilgisayar) video port
<span class="word-self">videospan> başlığı
(Bilgisayar) video title
<span class="word-self">videospan> belleği
video memory
<span class="word-self">videospan> bilgisi değişim sistemi
(Askeri) video information exchange system
<span class="word-self">videospan> bıos tarihi
(Bilgisayar) video bios date
<span class="word-self">videospan> codec'i yok
(Bilgisayar) no video codecs
<span class="word-self">videospan> detektör
video detector
<span class="word-self">videospan> disk çalıcısı
video disk player
<span class="word-self">videospan> dizini
video sequence
<span class="word-self">videospan> etiketleri
(Bilgisayar) video labels
<span class="word-self">videospan> filmi
<span class="word-self">videospan> frekans bandı
video frequency band
<span class="word-self">videospan> gecikmesi
video delay
<span class="word-self">videospan> grafik
video graphics
<span class="word-self">videospan> görevleri
(Bilgisayar) video tasks
<span class="word-self">videospan> ile uzaktan eğitim
(Askeri) video teletraining
<span class="word-self">videospan> ile uzaktan konferans
(Askeri) video teleconference
<span class="word-self">videospan> kamera
video camera
<span class="word-self">videospan> kamera görmek istiyorum
I would like to see a video camera
<span class="word-self">videospan> karesi
video frame
<span class="word-self">videospan> kaset
video tape
<span class="word-self">videospan> kaset no
(Bilgisayar) video tape id
<span class="word-self">videospan> klasörleri
(Bilgisayar) video folders
<span class="word-self">videospan> konsolu
(Otomotiv) video bracket
<span class="word-self">videospan> merkezi
(Televizyon) video center
<span class="word-self">videospan> mühendisi
video engineer
<span class="word-self">videospan> player
video player
<span class="word-self">videospan> sesi
(Bilgisayar) video volume
<span class="word-self">videospan> sessiz
(Bilgisayar) video mute
<span class="word-self">videospan> standardı
(Bilgisayar) video standard
<span class="word-self">videospan> standartları
(Bilgisayar) video standards
<span class="word-self">videospan> sürücüsü
(Bilgisayar) video driver
<span class="word-self">videospan> terminal
<span class="word-self">videospan> terminalleri
(Bilgisayar) video terminals
<span class="word-self">videospan> teyp
video recorder
<span class="word-self">videospan> teçhizatı
video equipment
<span class="word-self">videospan> önizleme
(Bilgisayar) preview video
ıyi bir <span class="word-self">videospan> teyp tavsiye edebilir misiniz
Can you recommend a good video recorder
Englisch - Englisch
Forms terms relating to moving images, and especially to television
<span class="word-self">videospan>-game
Attributive form of video game

video-game fanatic.

<span class="word-self">videospan>-conference
A video-conference is a meeting that takes place using video conferencing
digital <span class="word-self">videospan>
An inexpensive, high-quality video format used by both consumers and professionals
digital <span class="word-self">videospan> recorder
a personal video recorder
digital <span class="word-self">videospan> recorders
plural form of digital video recorder
direct-to-<span class="word-self">videospan>
Of a motion picture, originally released in a home video format (historically VHS) without being released to cinemas or broadcast on television. Variation: direct-to-DVD
full motion <span class="word-self">videospan>
Video of sufficient quality to make motion appear continuous to humans, considered to require at least 16 frames per second

In reality, multimedia was associated first and foremost with the development of full-motion video. This fascination for a cinema-like illusion of motion.

full-motion <span class="word-self">videospan>
Alternative spelling of full motion video
home <span class="word-self">videospan>
A televisual recording made privately for domestic use, rather than commercially or professionally
inverse <span class="word-self">videospan>
A display technique whereby background and foreground colours are interchanged, typically used for highlighting

Text to be deleted is shown in inverse video.

martyrdom <span class="word-self">videospan>
A video recording made by a prospective Islamic suicide bomber setting out a rationale for his actions
music <span class="word-self">videospan>
A motion picture produced to accompany a song, for promotional or artistic purposes
personal <span class="word-self">videospan> recorder
A device that can record broadcast television programmes, or the images from a video camera for subsequent playback through a television set
personal <span class="word-self">videospan> recorders
plural form of personal video recorder
reverse <span class="word-self">videospan>
Inverse video

For example, underlined reverse video cannot be obtained.

role-playing <span class="word-self">videospan> game
A genre of video game that uses gameplay elements found in a paper-and-pencil role-playing game (character classes, leveling up)
role-playing <span class="word-self">videospan> games
plural form of role-playing video game
<span class="word-self">videospan>
Motion picture stored on VHS or some other format
<span class="word-self">videospan>
<span class="word-self">videospan>
Television, television show, movie
<span class="word-self">videospan>
To record using video equipment
<span class="word-self">videospan> DVD
A DVD containing video in DVD-Video format
<span class="word-self">videospan> arcade
A business or establishment containing a selection of arcade games, pinball machines and other amusement devices

The boys played Space Invaders at the local video arcade.

<span class="word-self">videospan> arcade game
An arcade game
<span class="word-self">videospan> arcade games
plural form of video arcade game
<span class="word-self">videospan> arcades
plural form of video arcade
<span class="word-self">videospan> assist
A system that allows a video version of a take to be viewed immediately after it is filmed
<span class="word-self">videospan> camera
A device for recording video footage, often one used by amateurs
<span class="word-self">videospan> cameras
plural form of video camera
<span class="word-self">videospan> card
A piece of hardware installed into a personal computer to allow it to send video signals to an external output device such as a monitor or projector
<span class="word-self">videospan> cards
plural form of video card
<span class="word-self">videospan> chat
An instance of participating in a webcam-based discussion with one or more other people
<span class="word-self">videospan> conference
To take part in a video conference

She will videoconference in from the Atlanta office.

<span class="word-self">videospan> conference
A conference held by video link. An arranged video phone call between more than two parties

The four of us should hold a video conference next week.

<span class="word-self">videospan> conferences
plural form of video conference
<span class="word-self">videospan> game
A type of game existing as and controlled by software, usually run by a video game console or a computer, and played on a video terminal or television screen. Controlled by a paddle, joystick, joypad, mouse, keyboard, or a combination of any of these input devices
<span class="word-self">videospan> game console
A dedicated electronic device that is designed to play video games, especially in accompaniment with a television
<span class="word-self">videospan> game consoles
plural form of video game console
<span class="word-self">videospan> games
plural form of video game
<span class="word-self">videospan> games console
A video game console
<span class="word-self">videospan> games consoles
plural form of video games console
<span class="word-self">videospan> ho
The attractive, highly sexualized female dancers or actresses, typically black, who commonly appear in hip hop music videos

The only difference between Imelda and a video ho was the stripper pole.

<span class="word-self">videospan> jockey
A person who selects, or plays music videos either on television or at a disco
<span class="word-self">videospan> journalist
A journalist who handles all aspects of production on their own, acting as reporter, cameraman and editor
<span class="word-self">videospan> journalists
plural form of video journalist
<span class="word-self">videospan> laryngoscope
A laryngoscope fitted with a video camera placed at a point on the blade which provides a direct view of the larynx. Light is provided to illuminate the larynx, and the video information is displayed on a monitor
<span class="word-self">videospan> laryngoscopes
plural form of video laryngoscope
<span class="word-self">videospan> nasty
a video depicting excessive gore and violence, more than is required by the story line
<span class="word-self">videospan> photographer
A videographer who utilizes advanced photographic techniques to capture and create video images
<span class="word-self">videospan> projector
A device that takes a video signal and projects the corresponding image on a projection screen using a lens system
<span class="word-self">videospan> projectors
plural form of video projector
<span class="word-self">videospan> recording
A recording of images on videotape, DVD etc
<span class="word-self">videospan> recording
Recording images on videotape, DVD etc
<span class="word-self">videospan> rhythm
the wave-like curves one expects to see in the Flow of Attention results that reflect the structure of a commercial’s story

Our Flow of Attention graph’s video rhythm made it easy to identify the points in the ad viewers watched most closely.

<span class="word-self">videospan> rhythms
plural form of video rhythm
<span class="word-self">videospan> vérité
Alternative spelling of vidéo vérité
vidéo vérité
A genre of video material that appears to be realistic, showing ordinary people in ordinary situations, speaking normal dialogue
<span class="word-self">videospan> rendering
(Bilgisayar) The process of producing the pixels of an image from a higher-level description of its components
Personal <span class="word-self">Videospan> Recorder
{i} PVR, interactive TV recording device that records video without videotape to a hard drive
<span class="word-self">Videospan> Electronic Standards Association
group of manufacturers which develop standards for graphics cards, VESA (Computers)
<span class="word-self">Videospan> Graphics Array
old standard for display cards, VGA (Computers)
<span class="word-self">Videospan> RAM
very high-speed random access memory used in high-quality video cards, VRAM memory (Computers)
<span class="word-self">Videospan> Tape Recorder
device used for recording on and displaying video tapes, VTR
adjective <span class="word-self">videospan> 3
relating to or used in the process of recording and showing pictures on television audio
home <span class="word-self">videospan> camera
video camera with which one can record home movies and play them back on a home video cassette recorder, VCR
interactive <span class="word-self">videospan>
computer linked by software to a video system which allows the user to control a video disk and explore the information on that disk; choices can be made about the order in which the exploration takes place
interactive <span class="word-self">videospan>
A combination of video and computer technology in which the user's actions, choices, and decisions affect the way in which the program unfolds
music <span class="word-self">videospan>
A filmed or videotaped rendition of a recorded song, often portraying musicians performing the song or including visual images interpreting the lyrics
reverse <span class="word-self">videospan>
presentation of dark writing on a light background
s-<span class="word-self">videospan>
Transmits luminance and color portions separately, using multiple wires, thus avoiding the colour encoding process and its inevitable loss of picture quality
s-<span class="word-self">videospan>
"Separate" Video is a physical video interface that carries the luminance and chrominance information separately The S-Video signal is the same as the composite video signal, except that the Y signal (luminance) is on a separate wire from the U-V signal
straight-to-<span class="word-self">videospan>
a film that is never shown in a cinema but is only available on video
streaming <span class="word-self">videospan>
A sequence of "moving images" that are sent in compressed form over the internet and displayed by the viewer as they arrive Streaming media is streaming video with sound With streaming video or streaming media, a web user does not have to wait to download a large file before seeing the video or hearing the sound Instead, the media is sent in a continuous stream and is played as it arrives The users needs a player which is a special program that decompresses and sends video data to the display and audio data to speakers A player can be either an integral part of a browser or downloaded from the software maker's web site Streaming video is usually sent from prerecorded video files, but can be distributed as part of a live broadcast "feed"
streaming <span class="word-self">videospan>
Video or audio streaming means the files can be viewed before they are fully downloaded Usually streaming works by downloading an initial portion of the file, known as a buffer, into the user's viewer or player This application then begins playback of the file while the remainder continues to "fill in "
<span class="word-self">videospan>
{i} visual part of a film or television (excluding the sound); medium of television; video cassette (Informal); short film made to go along with a song, music video
<span class="word-self">videospan>
a recording of both the video and audio components (especially one containing a recording of a movie or television program)
<span class="word-self">videospan>
Pertaining to picture signals in a television system Voltage Drop The voltage developed across a component or conductor by the current in the resistance or impedance of the component or conductor
<span class="word-self">videospan>
Pertaining to the picture signals in a television system or to the information-carrying signals which are eventually presented on the cathode-ray tubes of a radar
<span class="word-self">videospan>
Something that has been recorded on videotape, CD, DVD, cassette, or other broadcasting medium
<span class="word-self">videospan>
A video is a film or television programme recorded on tape for people to watch on a television set. the makers of films and videos
<span class="word-self">videospan>
A moving picture, accompanied by sound
<span class="word-self">videospan>
(DoDD 5040 2) Electronic recording and playback of imagery
<span class="word-self">videospan>
Video is a system by which you can see television images or films on your computer, rather than on a television set. videoed videoing to record a television programme, film, or a real event on a video = videotape American Equivalent: tape
<span class="word-self">videospan>
Digital video is useful in multimedia applications for showing real life - such as people talking or real life illustrations of concepts Its main drawback is its very large file size To make it usable video files need to be compressed
<span class="word-self">videospan>
 1   An electrical signal containing timing (synchronization), luminance (intensity), and often chrominance (color) information that, when displayed on an appropriate device, gives a visual image or representation of the original image sequences 2   Pertaining to the sections of a television system that carry television signals, either in unmodulated or modulated form (188)  3   Pertaining to the demodulated radar signal that is applied to a radar display device (188)  4   Pertaining to the bandwidth or data rate necessary for the transmission of real-time television pictures [After FAA]  Note:   In practice, the baseband bandwidth required for the transmission of NTSC television pictures (not including the audio carriers) is approximately 5 MHz
<span class="word-self">videospan>
adj Of or pertaining to the visual component of a television signal In relation to computers, video refers to the rendering of text and graphics images on displays
<span class="word-self">videospan>
A moving picture, accompanied by sound Man unterscheidet zwischen "herkömmlichem" Video und "Streaming" Video " herkömmlichem " Video: Die Videodatei muss zunächst komplett heruntergeladen werden und kann erst dann mit (z B QuickTime-PlugIn) abgespielt werden -> Wartezeiten! Die üblichsten Dateiformate sind mov, avi, mpg "Streaming" Video: Es wird nur eine Startsequenz heruntergeladen (ca 4KB), das Video wird sofort gestartet und die Videodaten werden direkt im Videoplayer (z B RealPlayer) abgespielt Die üblichsten Streaming-Videoformate sind rm, rpm
<span class="word-self">videospan>
Pertaining to visual information in an integrated system
<span class="word-self">videospan>
Video is the system of recording films and events on tape so that people can watch them on a television set. She has watched the race on video. manufacturers of audio and video equipment
<span class="word-self">videospan>
A version of filming often used in music productions or to promote someone or something
<span class="word-self">videospan>
Source of video signal for the monitor, may be an add-on board, or built right into the motherboard
<span class="word-self">videospan>
Pertaining to picture signals in a television system
<span class="word-self">videospan>
The medium of delivering information created from the
<span class="word-self">videospan>
If you video a television programme or event, you record it on tape using a video recorder or video camera, so that you can watch it later. She had been videoing the highlights of the tournament = videotape, tape
<span class="word-self">videospan>
broadcasting visual images of stationary or moving objects; "she is a star of screen and video"; "Television is a medium because it is neither rare nor well done" - Ernie Kovacs
<span class="word-self">videospan>
A signal which contains visual information, such as a picture in a television system
<span class="word-self">videospan>
the visible part of a television transmission; "they could still receive the sound but the picture was gone"
<span class="word-self">videospan>
Moving pictures
<span class="word-self">videospan>
Video console variables find the best tradeoff between performance and quality Also possible to use these commands in scripts to change your settings quickly in-game
<span class="word-self">videospan>
Sill and moving images that can be recorded, manipulated, and displayed on a computer
<span class="word-self">videospan>
the visible part of a television transmission; "they could still receive the sound but the picture was gone
<span class="word-self">videospan>
Video cameras and cable television Visible spectrum The portion of the electromagnetic spectrum that can be seen by the unaided human eye Voice Telephone services
<span class="word-self">videospan>
{s} relating to the transmission or reception of a televised image
<span class="word-self">videospan>
A series of framed images put together, one after another, to simulate motion and interactivity A video can be transmitted by number of frames per second and/or the amount of time between switching frames
<span class="word-self">videospan>
A video is a machine that you can use to record television programmes and play videotapes on a television set. He'd set the video for 8.00. = video recorder, VCR
<span class="word-self">videospan>
A smoothly animating series of images More complex than simple animated gifs, videos can add richness to content and enhance the user experience Videos are often accompanied by sound tracks; it is recommended that this not be done within the video itself but by using SMIL
<span class="word-self">videospan>
= Non-broadcast videotaped asynchronous instruction
<span class="word-self">videospan> adapter
graphics card, expansion board which is responsible for transferring pictures to on-screen display
<span class="word-self">videospan> arcade
a public place where there are a lot of video games that you play by putting money in the machines
<span class="word-self">videospan> arcade
{i} place offering video games; video game room
<span class="word-self">videospan> cassette
A video cassette is a cassette containing videotape, on which you can record or watch moving pictures and sounds. = videotape. a video
<span class="word-self">videospan> chat
conversation held between two or more participants in which a web camera is used so that each participant can see the face of the other participants via the Internet
<span class="word-self">videospan> clip
small segment of a video recording
<span class="word-self">videospan> conferencing
Video conferencing is a system that enables people in various places around the world to have a meeting by seeing and hearing each other on a screen. a system that makes it possible to have meetings with people in different parts of the world by sending pictures and sound electronically
<span class="word-self">videospan> disk
compact disc containing video data
<span class="word-self">videospan> display
A device that accepts video signals from a computer and provides information in a visual form
<span class="word-self">videospan> display terminal
A computer terminal having a video display that uses a cathode-ray tube
<span class="word-self">videospan> game
game played on a television or computer
<span class="word-self">videospan> game
A video game is a computer game that you play on your television or on a similar device. An electronic or computerized game played by manipulating images on a video display or television screen. a computer game in which you move images on a screen using electronic controls
<span class="word-self">videospan> jockey
One who announces, plays, and provides commentary on videotaped programs, especially music videos, as on television or at a discotheque. a VJ
<span class="word-self">videospan> recorder
device used to record and play videos, video player
<span class="word-self">videospan> screen
special surface onto which videos are projected
<span class="word-self">videospan> wall
A video wall is a set of video screens that are connected together, so that each screen shows a part of the whole picture or so that the same picture is repeated on each screen
Englisch - Deutsch

Definition von video- im Englisch Deutsch wörterbuch

<span class="word-self">videospan>
<span class="word-self">videospan>
<span class="word-self">videospan>
<span class="word-self">videospan>
<span class="word-self">videospan>
composite <span class="word-self">videospan> signal
Composite Video-Signal
digital <span class="word-self">videospan> recorder
digitale Video-Recorder
freeze frame <span class="word-self">videospan>
inquiry <span class="word-self">videospan>
laser <span class="word-self">videospan> disk
<span class="word-self">videospan> arcade
<span class="word-self">videospan> camera
<span class="word-self">videospan> chat
<span class="word-self">videospan> conference
<span class="word-self">videospan> conferencing
<span class="word-self">videospan> games
<span class="word-self">videospan> memory
<span class="word-self">videospan> phone
<span class="word-self">videospan> rendering
<span class="word-self">videospan> screen
<span class="word-self">videospan> shoot
<span class="word-self">videospan> taped
Video aufgezeichnet
porn <span class="word-self">videospan>
<span class="word-self">videospan>
Fernsehen , Video
<span class="word-self">videospan> animation
<span class="word-self">videospan> cassette recorder
<span class="word-self">videospan> display
<span class="word-self">videospan> equipment
<span class="word-self">videospan> head
Videoneiger , Videokopf
<span class="word-self">videospan> link
<span class="word-self">videospan> recorder
<span class="word-self">videospan> recording machine
<span class="word-self">videospan> rental business
<span class="word-self">videospan> tapes
<span class="word-self">videospan> text