Definition von value chain im Englisch Englisch wörterbuch
A framework for examining the strengths and weaknesses of an organization, and for using the results of this analysis to improve performance Value Chain analysis is premised upon the assumption that a basic purpose of business is provide or create value for users of its products or services, and that value and customer satisfaction are primary customer drivers Within a Value Chain analysis, organizational activities are classified as being either primary activities (that create, transfer or support something of value) or as support activities (that assist the primary activities by providing resources or infrastructure)
The process of adding value throughout each of the functions within the organization
An enabling subset of components and services spaces that connect ChangeWaves to SuperSectors to SuperSpaces to WaveRider companies to customers
A very large-scale business process that is initiated by a customer request, or by the decision of the company to enter a new line of business, and results in the delivery of a process or service to a customer A value chain includes everything that contributes to the output By adding up all of the costs of each activity in a value chain, and subtracting the total from the sale price, an organization can determine the profit margin on the value chain Most organizations support from 3 to 15 value chains Many managers associate value chains with the description provided in Michael Porter's Competitive Advantage (1985)
The sequential set of primary and support activities that an enterprise performs to turn inputs into value-added outputs for its external customers An IT value chain is that subset of enterprise activities that pertain to IT operations, both to add value directly for external customers and to add indirect value by supporting other enterprise operations
provides a structure that highlights the relationship between information technology and the units of a (virtual) enterprise Value Chain defines the distinct activities necessary to provide products and services to the customers of an organisation It makes clear that a business has a particular relationship to its suppliers and its customers
a task sequence that can be conducted to create a valuable product or service and in which each task adds value
A series of linked business processes that create value in both products and services, which are delivered to the customer
The chain of activities that creates something of value for the targeted customers
A collection of business entities, each of which contributes a product or service that makes up a finished good (or service) purchased and used by an end-use customer
Identifies where the value is added in an organisation and links the process with the main functional parts of the organisation It is used for developing competitive advantage because such chains tend to be unique to an organisation Value system The wider routes in an industry that add value to incoming supplies and outgoing distributors and customers It links the industry value chain to that of other industries It is used for developing competitive advantage Vertical integration The backward acquisition of raw material suppliers and/or the forward purchase of distributors Vision A challenging and imaginative picture of the future role and objectives of an organisation, significantly going beyond its current environment and competitive position It is often associated with an outstanding leader of the organisation
A series of activities a company performs to achieve its goal by adding additional values when each activity proceeds from one stage to the next one
Another version of supply chain This time, it is implied that the chain improves, or adds value to, the bottom lines of each of the participants
Viewing a firm as a series, chain, or network of basic activities that add value to its products and services and thus add a margin of value to the firm
Partnered companies help produce a highly integrated value proposition through a managed process Products are custom tailored to match customer needs
- a way of organizing the activities that each strategic business unit undertakes to design, produce, promote, market, deliver, and support the products or services it sells
The linked set of activities within a supply chain that actively add value to the end product, as opposed to support or reporting activities