unlisted phone number

listen to the pronunciation of unlisted phone number
Englisch - Türkisch

Definition von unlisted phone number im Englisch Türkisch wörterbuch

unlisted number
rehberde olmayan numara
unlisted number
listelenmemiş numarası
Englisch - Englisch
telephone number that is not available to the general public, phone number that does not appear in the phone book
unlisted number
number that is not listed, protected telephone number, telephone number that does not appear in the phone book
unlisted phone number


    un·list·ed phone num·ber

    Türkische aussprache

    ınlîstîd fōn nʌmbır


    /ənˈləstəd ˈfōn ˈnəmbər/ /ənˈlɪstɪd ˈfoʊn ˈnʌmbɜr/