
listen to the pronunciation of umwelt…
Deutsch - Türkisch

Definition von umwelt… im Deutsch Türkisch wörterbuch

[die] çevre, muhit
{'umvelt} e çevre
Englisch - Türkisch

Definition von umwelt… im Englisch Türkisch wörterbuch

{s} çevresel

Tom Batılı yaşam tarzı ile ilgili çevresel etkileri anlamıyor. - Tom doesn't understand the environmental impacts associated with a Western lifestyle.

Bölgenin sanayileşmesi çevresel tahribatı önlemek için çok dikkatli yapılmalıdır. - Industrialization of the region must be carried out very carefully to avoid environmental destruction.

{s} çevre

Tom Batılı yaşam tarzı ile ilgili çevresel etkileri anlamıyor. - Tom doesn't understand the environmental impacts associated with a Western lifestyle.

Bu ev çevre dostudur. - This house is environmentally friendly.

(Jeoloji) ortamla ilişkili
(Jeoloji) çeyreye ait
Deutsch - Englisch
of or relating to the external conditions or surroundings; "environmental factors"
In assessing a company with respect to its environmental footprint we score a company on whether the company is a service, light or heavy industry, and if it is a miner whether it is involved in underground or open cut operations In addition we look for involvement in smelting, recent environmental awards or incidents and factors such as carbon credits Using WMC as an example again, while WMC is focused on environmental issues and is a signatory of the Australian Minerals Industry Code for Environmental Management, the company has scored only one star, due to not only for it's mining activities, but the company also produces significant emissions through its smelting and refining activities
concerned with the ecological effects of altering the environment; "environmental pollution"
of or relating to the external conditions or surroundings; "environmental factors
Non-genetic influences that can affect a person's health and personality, for example, diet, upbringing and circumstances
Any nongenetic influence on the phenotype Also refers to the conditions under which an organism exists, such as climate, altitude, other species, food sources, and so on
Environmental means concerned with the protection of the natural world of land, sea, air, plants, and animals. the environmental claims being made for some products Environmental groups plan to stage public protests during the conference. + environmentally en·vi·ron·men·tal·ly the high price of environmentally friendly goods
pertaining to ones environment
Environmental means relating to or caused by the surroundings in which someone lives or something exists. It protects against environmental hazards such as wind and sun. adj. environmental terrorism environmental geology Environmental Protection Agency environmental sculpture
Requirements The requirements that characterize the impact of the environment on the system/configuration item (CI) as well as the system/CI's impact on the natural environment
Possible conditions of the application to be considered (i e corrosion, dust, moisture/humidity, temperature, acid wash, and UV )
{s} pertaining to the environment
Anpassung an die Umwelt
Ausschuss für Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit
Committee on the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety
Auswirkungen auf die Umwelt
environmental impact
Die Nanotechnik eröffnet völlig neue Perspektiven für die Umwelt.
For the environment, nanotechnology opens up entirely new perspectives
Diese Technik erspart der Umwelt viel Kohlendioxid.
This technology spares the environment from excess carbon dioxide
Eintrag (Einbringen in die Umwelt)
Energieversorgung von Kleingeräten direkt aus der Umwelt
energy harvesting
Firmen, die wenig Rücksicht auf die Umwelt nehmen
companies with scant regard for the environment
Freisetzung in die Umwelt vermeiden. (Sicherheitshinweis)
Avoid release to the environment. (safety note)
Gestaltung der Umwelt
environmental design
Gestaltung der Umwelt
planning and design of the environment
Ihre Hauptsorge gilt den Auswirkungen auf die Umwelt.
Chief among her concerns is the environmental impact
Kann längerfristig schädliche Wirkungen auf die Umwelt haben. (Gefahrenhinweis)
May cause long-term adverse effects in the environment. (hazard note)
Konferenz der Vereinten Nationen zu Umwelt und Entwicklung
United Nations Conference on Environment and Development /UNCED/
Natur (natürliche Umwelt)
nature (natural environment)
Verschmutzung der Umwelt
pollution of the environment
Verschmutzung der Umwelt
environmental pollution
Verschmutzung der Umwelt
Wahrnehmung seiner Umwelt
environment perception
Was bedeutet das nun für die Umwelt / für den Nahen Osten?
So where does that leave things with the environment / in the Middle East?
Wasserreservoir (Umwelt, Landwirschaft, Wasserbau)
water reservoir
Wasserreservoir (Umwelt, Landwirschaft, Wasserbau)
water storage reservoir
Wasserreservoir (Umwelt, Landwirschaft, Wasserbau)
water storage unit (environment, agriculture, water engineering)
Zur Vermeidung einer Kontamination der Umwelt geeigneten Behälter verwenden. (Si
Use appropriate containment to avoid environmental contamination. (safety note)
auf Kosten der Umwelt
at the expense of the environment
der Schaden für die Umwelt
the damage to the environment
die Folgen der Straßenbauvorhaben für die Umwelt
the environmental ramifications of the road-building program
die Umwelt (mit Treibhausgasen etc.) belasten
to burden the environment (with greenhouse gases etc.)
die Umwelt nicht belastend (Sache)
environmentally sensitive
die Umwelt nicht belastend (Sache)
die Umwelt nicht belastend (Sache)
die Umwelt nicht belastend (Sache)
environmentally sound
die Umwelt nicht belastend (Sache)
non-polluting (of a thing)
die Umwelt nicht belastend (Sache)
environmentally benign
die Umwelt nicht belastend (Sache)
environmentally safe
die Umwelt nicht belastend (Sache)
ecologically harmless
die Umwelt nicht belastend (Sache)
ecologically sound
die Umwelt nicht belastend (Sache)
environmentally friendly
die Umwelt zerstören
to kill the environment
die negative Auswirkungen dieser Poltik auf die Umwelt
the environmental toll of this policy
schädliche Wirkung auf die Umwelt
environmental toxicity
schädliche Wirkung auf die Umwelt
städtische Umgebung/Umwelt
urban environment
verseuchte Umwelt
contaminated environment
Türkisch - Englisch

Definition von umwelt… im Türkisch Englisch wörterbuch

(Tıp) umwelt
Englisch - Englisch

Definition von umwelt… im Englisch Englisch wörterbuch

One's surroundings or environment; the outer world as perceived by organisms within it
Ones surroundings or environment; the outer world as perceived by organisms within it