
listen to the pronunciation of umlaufbahn
Deutsch - Türkisch
en {'umlaufba: n} e yörünge
[die] yörünge
Englisch - Türkisch

Definition von umlaufbahn im Englisch Türkisch wörterbuch


Uydu şimdi yörüngededir. - The satellite is now in orbit.

O, dünya yörüngesine gitmedi. - He did not go into Earth orbit.

orbital gezegen yörüngesine ait
yörüngeye oturtmak
yörüngede dönmek
yörüngede dön

Binlerce uydu dünyanın etrafında yörüngede döner. - Thousands of satellites orbit around the earth.

Sputnik 1 dünyanın etrafındaki yörüngede dönen ilk uyduydu. - Sputnik 1 was the first satellite to orbit around the Earth.

(Tıp) Göz çukuru, oribta
{i} göz

Astronomlar, Satürn'ün yörüngesinde altmış iki tane uydu gözlemlediler. - Astronomers have observed sixty-two moons orbiting Saturn.

bir yörüngede dönmek
(Askeri) YÖRÜNGE: Bir gök cisminin, diğer bir cisim çevresinde dönerken çizdiği yol
bir gökcismi etrafında dönmek veya döndürmek
{f} yörünge izlemek
{i} etki alanı
{i} göz çukuru
{f} yörüngeye sokmak
{f} yörüngesine almak
kuşların gözleri etrafındaki deri
Deutsch - Englisch
To move around the general vicinity of something

The harried mother had a cloud of children orbiting her, asking for sweets.

A collection of points related by the evolution function of a dynamical system
To place an object into an orbit around a planet

A rocket was used to orbit the satellite.

The bony cavity containing the eyeball; the eye socket
A circular or elliptical path of one object around another object

The Moon's orbit around the Earth takes nearly one month to complete.

The path of an artificial or natural celestial body
If something such as a satellite orbits a planet, moon, or sun, it moves around it in a continuous, curving path. In 1957 the Soviet Union launched the first satellite to orbit the earth. = circle. to travel in a curved path around a much larger object such as the Earth, the sun etc
The closed path of one object around another
The path of a satellite around a body under the influence of gravity
the path of an electron around the nucleus of an atom move in an orbit; "The moon orbits around the Earth"; "The planets are orbiting the sun"; "electrons orbit the nucleus
The bony socket in which the eye resides It is shaped like a pyramid that is lying on its side with the tip pointing backwards and inwards towards the centre of the brain The orbit is described as having a roof, floor, apex, inner (medial) and outer (lateral) wall
the bony cavity in the skull containing the eyeball
Orbit is the path a satellite takes as it travels around the planet
The path followed by an object in space as it goes around another object
{i} course of planets or satellites around another heavenly body; path of protons or electrons circling the nucleus of an atom; usual course of activity; orb
a particular environment or walk of life; "his social sphere is limited"; "it was a closed area of employment"; "he's out of my orbit"
The path of an object around another object, e g , planets moving around the Sun
the path of an electron around the nucleus of an atom
Aufstiegsbahn (in die Umlaufbahn)
ascent trajectory (to orbit)
Einschuss in eine Umlaufbahn (Raumfahrt)
insertion into an orbit (astronautics)
Hauptscheitelpunkt (einer Umlaufbahn)
apsis (of an orbit)
Korrektur der Umlaufbahn
orbit correction (astronautics)
Korrektur der Umlaufbahn
orbit trimming
Mond (der sich in einer Umlaufbahn um einen Himmelskörper bewegt)
secondary planet
Mond (der sich in einer Umlaufbahn um einen Himmelskörper bewegt)
natural satellite
Mond (der sich in einer Umlaufbahn um einen Himmelskörper bewegt)
moon (moving in orbit round a celestial body)
Satellit auf niedriger polarer Umlaufbahn
low altitude polar orbiting satellite
Satellit auf polarer Umlaufbahn
polar orbiter
Satellit auf äquatorialer Umlaufbahn
equatorial orbiting satellite
Unterstützung beim Flug in der Umlaufbahn (Raumfahrt)
orbit support (astronautics)
Variation (periodische Abweichung von der Umlaufbahn)
variation (of the orbit)
Wechsel der Umlaufbahn
orbit transfer
die Umlaufbahn verlassen (Raumfahrt)
to deorbit (astronautics)
etw. in seine Umlaufbahn bringen (Satellit etc.)
to orbit something (satellite etc.)
etw. in seine Umlaufbahn bringen (Satellit etc.)
to launch something into orbit
geostationäre Umlaufbahn
geostationary Earth orbit
geostationäre Umlaufbahn
geostationary orbit
geosynchrone Umlaufbahn
geosynchronous orbit
in einer Umlaufbahn um einen Himmelskörper gekreist
orbited a celestial body
in einer Umlaufbahn um einen Himmelskörper kreisen
to orbit a celestial body
in einer Umlaufbahn um einen Himmelskörper kreisend
orbiting a celestial body
sich auf einer Umlaufbahn um einen Himmelskörper befinden
to orbit a celestial body
sich auf einer Umlaufbahn um einen Himmelskörper befindend
orbiting a celestial body
sich auf einer Umlaufbahn um einen Himmelskörper befunden
orbited a celestial body
sonnenfernster Punkt (einer Umlaufbahn)
sonnennächster Punkt (einer Umlaufbahn)
stationäre Umlaufbahn (Satellit)
stationary orbit (sastellite)
suborbital (nicht bis in Umlaufbahn, weniger als eine Erdumkreisung)
Änderung der Umlaufbahn
orbit modification