ulusçuluk duygularını bağnazlık derecesine getiren kimse

listen to the pronunciation of ulusçuluk duygularını bağnazlık derecesine getiren kimse
Türkisch - Englisch
One who supports policy favouring war

We are all jingoes now, the New York Sun wrote immediately after the 1898 war, and the head jingo is the Hon. William McKinley..

one of a party in great britain in favor of spirited and demonstrative foreign policy
an extreme bellicose nationalist
A statesman who pursues, or who favors, aggressive, domineering policy in foreign affairs
{i} radical patriot, one who holds extreme nationalistic views
A word used as a jocular oath
ulusçuluk duygularını bağnazlık derecesine getiren kimse


    u·lus·çu·luk duy·gu·la·rı·nı bağ·naz·lık de·re·ce·si·ne ge·ti·ren kim·se

