two parallel rows of attackers who strike at a criminal as punishment

listen to the pronunciation of two parallel rows of attackers who strike at a criminal as punishment
Englisch - Englisch
two parallel rows of attackers who strike at a criminal as punishment


    two par·al·lel rows of attackers who strike at a cri·mi·nal as pun·ish·ment

    Türkische aussprache

    tu perılel rōz ıv ıtäkırz hu strayk ät ı krîmınıl äz pʌnîşmınt


    /ˈto͞o ˈperəˌlel ˈrōz əv əˈtakərz ˈho͞o ˈstrīk ˈat ə ˈkrəmənəl ˈaz ˈpənəsʜmənt/ /ˈtuː ˈpɛrəˌlɛl ˈroʊz əv əˈtækɜrz ˈhuː ˈstraɪk ˈæt ə ˈkrɪmənəl ˈæz ˈpʌnɪʃmənt/