triangularlyüç köşeli olarak

listen to the pronunciation of triangularlyüç köşeli olarak
Türkisch - Englisch
Shaped like a triangle
Having three elements or parties; trilateral, tripartite
Of, or pertaining to, triangles
{a} that has three angles
An upper triangular matrix has its only non-zero elements on or above the main diagonal, that is aij=0 if i>j Similarly, a lower triangular matrix has its non-zero elements on or below the diagonal, that is aij=0 if i<j
having three angles; forming or shaped like a triangle; "a triangular figure"; "a triangular pyrimid has a triangle for a base
A projectile, knife, preform or blade which has three sides or roughly has the shape of a triangle
having three sides; "a trilateral figure"
Oblong or elongated, and having three lateral angles; as, a triangular seed, leaf, or stem
involving three parties or elements; "the triangular mother-father-child relationship"; "a trilateral agreement"; "a tripartite treaty"; "a tripartite division"; "a three-way playoff"
having a triangle as a base; as, a triangular prism, a triangular pyramid
You can describe a relationship or situation as triangular if it involves three people or things. One particular triangular relationship became the model of Simone's first novel
Something that is triangular is in the shape of a triangle. cottages around a triangular green
having three angles; forming or shaped like a triangle; "a triangular figure"; "a triangular pyrimid has a triangle for a base"
(deltoid) With 3 sides of equal length A triangular leaf is attached to the stem at a point midway along one side
{s} pertaining to a triangle; shaped with three sides and three corners; triple
triangularlyüç köşeli olarak