
listen to the pronunciation of transient
Englisch - Türkisch
{s} geçici

Her şey geçicidir ve bu nedenle üzücüdür. - Everything is transient and therefore sorrowful.

Annemin kötü ruh hali geçicidir. - My mother's bad mood is transient.

sürekli olmayan
çabuk gelip geçen kimse
(Tıp) transituvar
kısa bir süre kalan
kısa süreli
{i} kısa süreli konuk
{s} geçerken uğrayan
{i} geçici dalga
transientlygeçici olarak
{i} kısa bir süre kalan kimse
yalnız kısa zaman kalan misafir
{s} kısa bir süre kalan, çabuk gelip geçen (kimse)
geçici konuk
{s} fani
geçici dalga veya cereyan
(Askeri) MİSAFİR PERSONEL; KADRO DIŞI PERSONEL; SEVKE TABİ PERSONEL; SEVK ERİ: Tayin edilmediği veya emrine verilmediği bir garnizon veya mevkide emrini, naklini veya sair işlemin yapılmasını bekleyen bir şahıs
{s} çabuk geçen; fani, gelip geçici, ölümlü
(Nükleer Bilimler) geçiş hali,geçici rejim
gelip geçici
transient area
(Askeri) geçiş bölgesi
transient ischemic attack
(Tıp,Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) geçici iskemik atak
transient phenomena
geçici olaylar
transient stay
(Turizm) kısa süreli ikamet
transient current
geçici akım
transient error
geçici hata
transient program
geçici program
transient state
geçici hal
transient analyser
geçici etki çözümleyici
transient area
geçici program alanı
transient ischemic attack
(Tıp, İlaç) (Tıp). geçici kansızlık atağı; beyin atardamarlarının geçici olarak tıkanması ve şekel bırakmadan yeniden açılması. Kalıcı tıkanma ise felç, zihinsel bozukluklar gibi sekeller bırakır
transient voltage
geçici gerilim
transient amnesia
(Tıp) geçici amnezi
transient analyser
(Elektrik, Elektronik,Teknik) geçici olay analizörü
transient and patients
(Askeri) MİSAFİR VE HASTALAR: Teşkilat ve malzeme kadrosu ile kuruluş dışı kadroya dahil bulunmayan personel. Ayrıca bakınız: "transient" ve "patient"
transient and patients
(Askeri) misafir ve hastalar
transient area
(Askeri) GEÇİŞ BÖLGESİ: Bak. "staging area"
transient area
gelip geçici program alanı
transient bearing
(Askeri) geçici kerteriz
transient bearing
(Askeri) GEÇİCİ KERTERİZ: Arz yüzeyi üzerindeki iki özelliğin, hususiyetin aynı nispi kerterize sahip olduğu zaman kaydetmek suretiyle, uçuşta belirlenen bir kerteriz
transient buyer
(Ticaret) gelip geçici alıcı
transient cerebral ischemia
(Tıp) geçici beyin iskemisi
transient ego ideal
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) geçici ego ideali
transient electromagnetic method
kısa-ömürlü elektromanyetik method
transient electromagnetic method
geçici elektromanyetik method
transient field ration mess
(Askeri) MİSAFİR PERSONEL SAHRA TABLDOTU: Sahra rasyonu ile iaşe hakkına sahip olan ve büyük bir birlik veya tesisin günlük yoklamasına dahil olmayan fakat yemek saatleri içinde bu birlik veya tesiste hazır bulunan şahısların iaşesi için birlik veya tesis komutanları tarafından tahsis edilen tabldot
transient forces
(Askeri) misafir kuvvetler
transient forces
(Askeri) transit kuvvetler
transient forces
(Askeri) MİSAFİR KUVVETLER; TRANSİT KUVVETLER: Bir başka komutanlığın sorumluluk bölgesi içinden geçen, bu bölge içinde konaklayan veya geçici olarak üslenen, fakat bu komutanlığın harekat kontrolu altında bulunmayan kuvvetler
transient global amnesia
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) geçici küresel amnezi
transient heat flow
geçici ısı akışı
transient heat flow
süreksiz ısı akışı
transient objective
(Askeri) GEÇİCİ HEDEF: Bombalanması mümkün hedefler olarak gözönüne alınan, geçici yapılar ve askeri tesisler
transient objective
(Askeri) geçici hedef
transient phenomena
gecici olaylar
transient protect kit
geçici koruyucu kiti
transient protector
geçici koruyucu
transient radiation effects on electronics
(Askeri) elektronik üzerindeki geçici radyasyon etkileri
transient response
(Nükleer Bilimler) geçici hal davranışı
transient response
(Gıda) süreye bağımlı tepki
transient routine
gelip geçici program
transient target
(Askeri) süratli hedef
transient target
(Askeri) SÜRATLİ HEDEF: Gözetleme veya atış menzili içinde, temkinli nişan ve tanzim için kafi zaman bırakmayacak kadar kısa bir süre kalan hareket halindeki hedef. Gemi, uçak, araç, yürüyen kıtalar vesaire süratli hedef sayılırlar. Buna (fleeting target) de denir
transient tic
(Tıp) geçici tik
transient tic disorder
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) geçici tik rahatsızlığı
transient wave
gecici dalga
transient wave
(Elektrik, Elektronik,Teknik) geçici dalga
geçici olarak
aircraft transient servicing
(Askeri) GEÇİCİ UÇAK HİZMETLERİ: Uçağın tahsis edildiği teşkilattan başka bir teşkilat tarafından uçağa sağlanan ve karşılığında para istenebilen hizmetler. Ayrıca bakınız: "aircraft cross-servicing"
anticipated transient without scram
(Nükleer Bilimler) acil durum dışı beklenen geçici rejimler
starting transient
(Askeri) BAŞLATMA OLAYLARI: Modern bir sıvı yakıt güç kaynağı harekete geçirildiği zaman meydana gelen olaylar serisi. Bu olaylar şu sırayı takip eder: Gaz fırınının çalışmaya başlaması, türbo pompanın tam hıza getirilmesi, çekiş bölgelerindeki ana piroteknik ateşleyicilerin ateşlenmesi, dış besleme ile irtibatlama, sınırlı yakıt akımının itiş bölmelerinde ilk yanışı, esas çekiş gücünün kademeler halinde veya zamanla artarak meydana gelişi ve güç kaynağı çıkış kuvvetinin belirli bir çekişe göre dengelendirilmesi
(Nükleer Bilimler) geçici olaylar
Englisch - Englisch
Remaining for only a brief time
A person who passes through a place for a short time; a traveller; a migrant worker

Then, within the space of a few months, there were more transients than there were locals, and the imbalance seemed morally wrong.

Operating beyond itself; having an external effect (antonym: immanent)
Passing through; passing from one person to another
Occasional; isolated; one-off; individual
Passing or disappearing with time; transitory
Decaying with time, especially exponentially
having a positive probability of being left and never being visited again
Something which is transient
A transient phenomenon, especially an electric current; a very brief surge
An unhoused person
A relatively loud, non-repeating signal in an audio waveform which occurs very quickly, such as the attack of a snare drum
one who or that which is only of temporary existence
{s} temporary, impermanent
Transient is used to describe a situation that lasts only a short time or is constantly changing. the transient nature of high fashion. someone who has no home and moves around from place to place
{a} soon past, very short, momentary
A high amplitude, short duration pulse superimposed on the normal voltage wave form or ground line
A temporary change in steady state conditions when one parameter, such as load, is changed
a student regularly enrolled at another college or university who has written permission to attend USCA for a specific term
A short surge of current or voltage, often occurring before steady-state conditions have become established
– Spike or step change in a power supply parameter Commonly used in describing input line and output load characteristics
Short duration change in a functional or environmental parameter
a phenomenon caused by a sudden change in conditions that persist for relatively short time after the change
A voltage of short duration Often used to describe extraneous voltages appearing on the signal lines resulting from lightning and similar disturbances
Hasty; momentary; imperfect; brief; as, a transient view of a landscape
of a mental act; causing effects outside the mind
An abnormal and irregular electrical event, such as a surge
A keyword in the Java programming language that indicates that a field is not part of the serialized form of an object When an object is serialized, the values of its transient fields are not included in the serial representation, while the values of its non-transient fields are included 1
Staying for a short time; not regular or permanent; as, a transient guest; transient boarders
{i} provisional, temporary, impermanent
A high amplitude, short duration impulse superimposed on the normal voltage or current
enduring a very short time; "the ephemeral joys of childhood"; "a passing fancy"; "youth's transient beauty"; "love is transitory but at is eternal"; "fugacious blossoms"
A high amplitude, short duration pulse superimposed on the normal voltage
(physics) a short-lived oscillation in a system caused by a sudden change of voltage or current or load one who stays for only a short time; "transient laborers
That which remains but for a brief time
Conditions which are changing with time (Rice (1991))
(adj ) In the JavaTM look and feel, characteristic of a keyword that indicates that a field is not part of the serialized form of an object When an object is serialized, the values of its transient fields are not included in the serial representation, while the values of its non-transient fields are included
Any of the non-sustaining, non-periodic frequency components of a sound, usually of brief duration and higher amplitude than the sustaining components, and occurring near the onset of the sound (attack transients)
A short term phenomena seen on the way towards, and before reaching, a steady state
In audio, the often sharp beginning [transient] of an individual aural event, then followed by the middle [sustain] and end [decay] The initial attack of the strike of a cymbal or triangle, for example, poses challenges in the reproduction due to the very fast rise time of the signal, going from zero to very loud extremely rapidly, necessitating perfect tracking by the electronics and loudspeakers to not get blunted or softened
A sudden and unwanted increase or decrease of supply voltage or current
one who stays for only a short time; "transient laborers"
Passing before the sight or perception, or, as it were, moving over or across a space or scene viewed, and then disappearing; hence, of short duration; not permanent; not lasting or durable; not stationary; passing; fleeting; brief; transitory; as, transient pleasure
In astronomy, a source that suddenly changes, such as appearing, disappearing or drastically brightening or dimming
(physics) a short-lived oscillation in a system caused by a sudden change of voltage or current or load
A temporary change occurring in a circuit due to a sudden change of voltage or load
A high-voltage burst of electric current, usually lasting less than 1 second, occurring randomly
A response, or behavior, of a time series that is heavily dependent on the initial conditions chosen to begin a recursive calculation The transient response is typically undesirable, and initially masks the true steady-state behavior of the process of interest
admission status of students currently enrolled at another institution applying for temporary admission to Armstrong Atlantic for one term Students must be in good standing at their home institution, and have written permission from their dean or registrar to take specific courses at Armstrong Atlantic that may be transferred to their home institution
Remaining only for a short time
An abrupt change in voltage, of short duration for example, a brief pulse caused by the operation of a switch Also known as Spike
transient ischaemic attack
Alternative spelling of transient ischemic attack
transient ischemic attack
A temporary cessation or reduction of blood supply to part of the brain, resulting in brief neurologic dysfunction that usually persists for less than 24 hours
transient ischemic attack
Brief episode in which the brain gets insufficient blood supply; symptoms depend on the site of the blockage(synonym) TIA
transient global amnesia
memory disorder seen in middle aged and elderly persons; characterized by an episode of amnesia and bewilderment that lasts for several hours; person is otherwise alert and intellectually active
transient ischemic attack
A temporary blockage of the blood supply to the brain caused by a blood clot and usually lasting ten minutes or less, during which dizziness, blurring of vision, numbness on one side of the body, and other symptoms of a stroke may occur. Also called ministroke
transient ischemic attack
brief episode in which the brain gets insufficient blood supply; symptoms depend on the site of the blockage
transient item
(Ticaret) phantom
transient life
everyday life, worldly existence, life of the present
{a} with short passage, slightly
fleetingly, short-lived, provisionally, temporarily, impermanently
In a transient manner; momentarily; briefly
for a very short time; "these three pions may actually be joined together transiently as a compound particle during the interchange process
A non-repeating sound (such as percussion in music) or an abrupt change of voltage How a speaker handles transients is a good indicator of its performance 4
Electrical surges or spikes conducted through power or data lines Transients are typically generated as electrical devices are turned on or off See: Suppression
Instantaneous changes in dynamics, producing steep wave fronts
plural of transient
Short, sudden sound events within a soundtrack
The nonperiodic vibrations which produce the clicking sound heard at the instant of plucking a string
Special reactor operation that is usually of very short duration
The attack and decay (or beginning and ending) characteristics of a sound such as the quiver of a violin bow as it strikes the strings or the brief squawk of a saxophone as the air begins to vibrate the reed