Ben Litvanyaca konuşan küçük bir erkek kedi biliyorum. - I know a little tomcat that speaks Lithuanian.
Erkek kedi güneşte güneşlendi. - The tomcat basked in the sun.
(Askeri) TOMCAT: Uçak gemilerinden iniş-kalkış yapacak şekilde tasarlanan çift turbo fan motorlu, iki kişilik mürettebatı bulunan, sesten hızlı, her türlü hava koşullarında uçuş yapabilen, uzun menzilli önleme uçağı. Çeşitli sınıfta havadan havaya ve havadan karaya füzeler ile klasik tipte mühimmat taşımaktadır. Ana görevi uzun menzilli filoların hava savunması olup, tali görevi yakın hava desteğidir. F-14 olarak bilinmektedir
The Tomcat server is a Java based Web Application container that was created to run Servlets and JavaServer Pages (JSP) in Web applications
Tomcat was chosen to be the official Sun JSP/servlet container Reference Implementation For this reason, using Tomcat as your development environment is a good choice for those desiring web application portability The latest incarnation of Tomcat generally supports the latest servlet and JSP specifications, so it's a wonderful place to try out new features that will eventually be implemented by all the major container vendors JBoss works well with Tomcat to provide a unified J2EE container Related Tomcat reading
[ 'täm-"kat ] (noun.) 1789. From a story by an anonymous author published in 1760 called The Life and Adventures of a Cat in which the male cat, then known as a ram cat, was called Tom. (Reference: Desmond Morris, Catwatching.)