to venerate

listen to the pronunciation of to venerate
Englisch - Türkisch
Englisch - Englisch
To revere or hold in awe
to cherish reverentially
{v} to reverence, respect greatly, honor
To regard with reverential respect; to honor with mingled respect and awe; to reverence; to revere; as, we venerate parents and elders
To treat with great respect and deference
{f} esteem, respect, revere
If you venerate someone or something, you value them or feel great respect for them. My father venerated General Eisenhower. = revere + venerated ven·er·at·ed Jerusalem is Christianity's most venerated place. + veneration ven·era·tion Churchill was held in near veneration during his lifetime. to honour or respect someone or something because they are old, holy, or connected with the past (past participle of venerari, from venus )
regard with feelings of respect and reverence; consider hallowed or exalted or be in awe of; "Fear God as your father"; "We venerate genius"
to venerate


    to ven·er·ate

    Türkische aussprache

    tı venıreyt


    /tə ˈvenərˌāt/ /tə ˈvɛnɜrˌeɪt/