to use attack as the best form of defence

listen to the pronunciation of to use attack as the best form of defence
Englisch - Deutsch
die Flucht nach vorne antreten
to use attack as the best form of defence


    to use at·tack as the best form of de·fence

    Türkische aussprache

    tı yus ıtäk äz dhi best fôrm ıv dîfens


    /tə ˈyo͞os əˈtak ˈaz ᴛʜē ˈbest ˈfôrm əv dəˈfens/ /tə ˈjuːs əˈtæk ˈæz ðiː ˈbɛst ˈfɔːrm əv dɪˈfɛns/