to undo the good work

listen to the pronunciation of to undo the good work
Englisch - Türkisch

Definition von to undo the good work im Englisch Türkisch wörterbuch

to the good
to the good
için iyi
to the good
iyi, faydalı
to the good
lehinde: That goal put us four points to the good. O gol bize dört puan kazandırdı
to undo the good work


    to un·do the good work

    Türkische aussprache

    tı ındu dhi gîd wırk


    /tə ənˈdo͞o ᴛʜē gəd ˈwərk/ /tə ənˈduː ðiː ɡɪd ˈwɜrk/