to text

listen to the pronunciation of to text
Englisch - Türkisch

Metindeki bütün cümleleri hatırlamaya çalışma, bu neredeyse imkansız. - Don't try to remember every sentence of the text, it's almost impossible.

Tom bana ilginç bir metin gönderdi. - Tom sent me an interesting text.

(Bilgisayar) metneçevir
(Bilgisayar) metni
(Dilbilim) betik

Valentina'nın annesi bir tekstil fabrikasında çalıştı. - Valentina's mother worked in a textile plant.

Bangladeş'te bir tekstil fabrikası çöktüğünde 1000 işçiden daha fazlası öldü. - More than a 1000 workers died when a textile factory collapsed in Bangladesh.


Taro, Londra'dan bazı İngilizce konuşma ders kitapları ısmarladı. - Taro ordered some English conversation textbooks from London.

Bu kitapta o kadar çok konu yok. - There's not so much text in this book.

İncil'de ayet
(Askeri) METİN: Bir haberde, gönderen makamın bildirmek istediği bilgiyi teşkil eden kısım. Ayrıca bak "plain text, encrypted text"
{i} İncil'den kısa bölüm
(Dilbilim) SÖZ(Söylem çözümlemesi)İletişimsel amacı olan ve bir bağlam içinde bulunan herhangi bir söz, ses, görsel vs. Bağlama bir söz (text) ile müdahil olabiliriz ve sözü(text) kullanarak iletişiriz.METİN (METİN DİLBİLİM)İletişimsel bir amacı bulunan, içerik biçim özellikleri ve metinsellik kriterleri ile değerlendirilebilen yazılı/sözlü dil bütünü
Cep telefonu ile kısa mesaj yollamak
incilden kısa bölüm
ıncil'den kısa bölüm
yazının aslı
Englisch - Englisch
A brief written message transmitted between mobile phones; an SMS text message
To send a text message to; i.e. to transmit text using the Short Message Service (SMS), or a similar service, between communications devices, particularly mobile phones

Just text me when you get here.

To be occupied for a duration with the act of sending and receiving text messages

Have you been texting all afternoon?.

A writing consisting of multiple glyphs, characters, symbols or sentences
{n} a sentence, protion, part, original writing
To send a text message using the Short Message Service (SMS), or a similar service, between communications devices, particularly mobile phones
Letters, numbers, and punctuation Text is different than graphics in that the former only specifies which letters etc will appear, not how they will appear, while the latter only specifies how something looks, not which characters comprise it English text is almost always stored in a code called ASCII There is no standard for storing pointed Hebrew in text format See also graphics
In STAR GATEWAY, appears in the drop-down box under Options Highlight to retrieve the full text of magazine articles In Books in Print this accesses publisher information
Text has two meanings (@xref{Text}): Data consisting of a sequence of characters, as opposed to binary numbers, images, graphics commands, executable programs, and the like The contents of an Emacs buffer are always text in this sense Data consisting of written human language, as opposed to programs, or something that follows the stylistic conventions of human language
means any resource that is mostly made up of written words in any language Books and Web pages are examples More help
A verse or passage of Scripture, especially one chosen as the subject of a sermon, or in proof of a doctrine
Data which can be interpreted as human-readable text (often contrasted with binary data)
A string of characters A text file should contain only characters -- as opposed to codes or commands
"pictures made the text easier to understand"
Text is any written material. A CD-ROM can store more than 250,000 pages of typed text
A text is the same as a text message. I borrowed my wife's mobile phone last week and a text arrived from another man
a book prepared for use in schools or colleges; "his economics textbook is in its tenth edition"; "the professor wrote the text that he assigned students to buy"
A book, tome or other set of writings
To write in large characters, as in text hand
A text is a written or spoken passage, especially one that is used in a school or university for discussion or in an examination. His early plays are set texts in universities
Text has two meanings (see section Commands for Human Languages): Data consisting of a sequence of characters, as opposed to binary numbers, images, graphics commands, executable programs, and the like The contents of an Emacs buffer are always text in this sense Data consisting of written human language, as opposed to programs, or something that follows the stylistic conventions of human language
The actual structure of words in a piece of writing or printing (Kybdy, Gr 1)
If you text someone, you send them a text message on a mobile phone. Mary texted me when she got home. to send someone a written message on a mobile phone
The actual structure of words in a piece of writing or printing
A series of characters that can be displayed on a terminal display or printed on paper for human reading
For the purpose of this chapter: 1 "Constructed" in respect of a ship means a stage of construction where: 1 1 the keel is laid; or 1 2 construction identifiable with a specific ship begins; or
The text of a book is the main part of it, rather than the introduction, pictures, or notes. The text is precise and informative
The provision of written documents including paper handouts, posters, training manuals, etc
A discourse or composition on which a note or commentary is written; the original words of an author, in distinction from a paraphrase, annotation, or commentary
A piece of writing or speech that is being studied or discussed; often used of a passage from the Bible Can also be used far more broadly, as when writers refer something other than writing or speech -- even all of life -- as a "text "
a passage from the Bible that is used as the subject of a sermon; "the preacher chose a text from Psalms to introduce his sermon"
Two meanings (see Text): Data consisting of a sequence of characters, as opposed to binary numbers, images, graphics commands, executable programs, and the like The contents of an Emacs buffer are always text in this sense Data consisting of written human language, as opposed to programs, or following the stylistic conventions of human language
The text of a speech, broadcast, or recording is the written version of it. A spokesman said a text of Dr Runcie's speech had been circulated to all of the bishops
A written passage consisting of multiple glyphs, characters, symbols or sentences
Data presented with alphanumeric characters, usually in the form of words, sentences, and paragraphs Typically, the term text refers to pure text stored as ASCII codes (that is, without any formatting) Objects that are not text include graphics, numbers (if they're not stored as ASCII characters), and program code
The body type of a page, as opposed to headlines, captions, and other type
the main body of a written work (as distinct from illustrations or footnotes etc ); "pictures made the text easier to understand"
Stem A fixed sequence of words or readings embodied in a manuscript, whether extant or hypothetical Due to the presence of correctors, a manuscript may exhibit multiple texts A text is sometimes improperly used to refer to a supposed sequence of readings that stands behind a particular group of manuscripts; however, if the group is not genealogically related (i e polyphyletic) or if the "text" of a genealogical group is reconstructed on non-genealogical principles (e g majority vote), the "text" has no historical reality If, on the other hand, the group is genealogically related, then the text of this group is properly the text of the group's archetype, and may differ from the majority vote of the group's members
A text is a book or other piece of writing, especially one connected with science or learning. Her text is believed to be the oldest surviving manuscript by a female physician
The four Gospels, by way of distinction or eminence
Two meanings (see section Commands for Human Languages): Data consisting of a sequence of characters, as opposed to binary numbers, images, graphics commands, executable programs, and the like The contents of an Emacs buffer are always text in this sense Data consisting of written human language, as opposed to programs, or following the stylistic conventions of human language
A brief written message transmitted between mobile phones
A style of writing in large characters; text- hand also, a kind of type used in printing; as, German text
the main body of a written work as distinct from illustrations or footnotes etc
{i} script, words; libretto; schoolbook
a passage from the Bible that is used as the subject of a sermon; "the preacher chose a text from Psalms to introduce his sermon
Hence, anything chosen as the subject of an argument, literary composition, or the like; topic; theme
A high quality printing paper
A text message

Tom sent a text message to Mary just a minute ago. - Tom sent Mary a text message just a minute ago.

Tom sent a text message to Mary. - Tom sent Mary a text message.

body of type matter on a page, as opposed to headlines, callouts, or folios
In terms of files, a file that contains characters only from the ASCII character set In terms of FTP, a mode that assumes the files you will be transferring contain only ASCII characters You set this mode in FTP with the ASCII command (This is the default If you want to transfer binary files, you must signal this with the command "bin")
Two meanings (see Text): • Data consisting of a sequence of characters, as opposed to binary numbers, images, graphics commands, executable programs, and the like The contents of an Emacs buffer are always text in this sense • Data consisting of written human language, as opposed to programs, or following the stylistic conventions of human language
the words of something written; "there were more than a thousand words of text"; "they handed out the printed text of the mayor's speech"; "he wants to reconstruct the original text"
the main body of typewritten words on a page as opposed to the headlines, or captions
any piece of writing or object being studied
"pictures made the text easier to understand" a passage from the Bible that is used as the subject of a sermon; "the preacher chose a text from Psalms to introduce his sermon
constant defined at curl/kernel/boot-curl curl: 4 An array of characters Strings in doublequotes are of type {bold text}
Data consisting of a sequence of characters, as opposed to binary numbers, images, graphics commands, executable programs, and the like The contents of an Emacs buffer are always text in this sense
to text

    Türkische aussprache

    tı tekst


    /tə ˈtekst/ /tə ˈtɛkst/


    ... We have questions that are both in text and video. ...
    ... So in Africa, there's a program called Text Me Back, ...