to take a break

listen to the pronunciation of to take a break
Englisch - Türkisch
ara vermek

Ara vermek için vaktim yok. - I don't have time to take a break.

Ara vermek istiyorum. - I want to take a break.

mola vermek

Mola vermek ister misin? - Would you like to take a break?

Bence şimdi bir mola vermek en iyisi. - I think it's best to take a break now.

take time off
izne çıkmak
take a break
ara ver

Ara vermeni istiyorum. - I want you to take a break.

Ara verecek vaktim yok. - I don't have time to take a break.

take a break
Mola vermek, fasıla vermek, ara vermek
take time off
izin almak, izne çıkmak: Take some time off! Bir müddet izne çık!
Englisch - Englisch
To rest; to temporarily discontinue a specified activity

She took a break from studying to eat a snack.

take a time-out, take a short rest from a task
take time off
to take a break