to succour

listen to the pronunciation of to succour
Englisch - Türkisch
Englisch - Englisch
Alternative spelling of succor
If you succour someone who is suffering or in difficulties, you help them. Helicopters fly in appalling weather to succour shipwrecked mariners. = assist, aid. help and sympathy that is given to someone. succor to give help and sympathy someone
help in a difficult situation
suc·cour succours succouring succoured in AM, use succor1. Succour is help given to people who are suffering or in difficulties. a commitment to give succour to populations involved in the conflict. = assistance
{f} aid, help, assist, give assistance in difficult times
assistance in time of difficulty; "the contributions provided some relief for the victims"
{i} succor, aid, help in difficult times, assistance, relief; something that provides relief or assistance; person who provides assistance or relief
To render aid to one in distress
Assistance given to one in distress; relief, ministration
to succour