to stale

listen to the pronunciation of to stale
Englisch - Türkisch

Köpek bayat ekmeği yedi ve ölmedi. - The dog ate the stale bread and didn't die.

Bu patlamış mısırların tadı bayat. Ne zaman yapıldıklarını merak ediyorum. - This popcorn tastes stale. I wonder when it was popped.

{s} eskimiş
çiş (at, sığır)
{s} vadesi geçmiş

Üç gündür, bayat bir sandviç, çürük bir elma ve biraz bozuk yoğurt dışında hiçbir şey yemedim. - I haven't had anything to eat for three days other than a stale sandwich, a rotten apple, and some spoiled yogurt.

{s} yorgun
{f} eskimek
{f} bozulmak
{s} tükenmiş
at veya sığır sidiği veya kaşanmas
sidik at
çiş at
tazeliğini gidermek
{f} işemek (sığır)
sigir vb
Englisch - Englisch
A bird used as a decoy to trap other birds
An ambush
A division of armed men posted in a specific place, either for an ambush or for other reasons
A person's position, especially in a battle-line

for ony stowre that ever ye see us bestadde, stondys in your stale and sterte ye no ferther.

Any trap or lure

Still as he went, he craftie stales did lay / With cunning traines him to entrap vnwares.

A low class of prostitute (originally used as a decoy by other criminals)

I stand dishonor'd, that have gone about / To link my dear friend to a common stale .

{v} to make water as a horse, to wear out
{a} old, long kept, vapid, corrupt, stinking
{n} urine, old beer, a handle, step, prostitute
To make water; to discharge urine; said especially of horses and cattle
Wine with lifeless, stagnant qualities Usually found in wines that were kept in large vessel storage for an excessive length of time
Old, over the hill wines which have lost their freshness without developing the positive aspects of successful aging
A stalemate
Just as it sounds, not fresh but dull
no longer new; uninteresting; "cold (or stale) news"
Worn out by use or familiarity; having lost its novelty and power of pleasing; trite; common
Having lost its freshness from age. Stale food, for instance, is food which is still edible but has lost its deliciousness
Urine, esp
{f} make or become stale, dry out, spoil
urinate, of cattle and horses
A taste fault that gives the coffee brew an unpleasant taste Result of moisture and oxygen penetrating the bean fiber and adversely affecting the organic material that remains in the coffee bean, occurring in the staling process after roasting
Wines that are lifeless, having lost their fresh, lively qualities
Not new; not freshly made; as, stele bread
Wines that have lost their fresh, youthful qualities are called stale Opposite of fresh
lacking originality or spontaneity; no longer new; "moth-eaten theories about race"
{s} not fresh, moldy, spoiled; musty; trite, hackneyed; tired, weary
Something set, or offered to view, as an allurement to draw others to any place or purpose; a decoy; a stool pigeon
urinate, of cattle and horses showing deterioration from age; "stale bread
showing deterioration from age; "stale bread"
Vapid or tasteless from age; having lost its life, spirit, and flavor, from being long kept; as, stale beer
A laughingstock; a dupe
Having lost the life or graces of youth; worn out; decayed
To make vapid or tasteless; to destroy the life, beauty, or use of; to wear out
No longer new; no longer interesting; established; old; as, stale news, a stale joke, etc
that of beasts
Used to describe any grab where you grab the wheels of the skate
Stale food is no longer fresh or good to eat. Their daily diet consisted of a lump of stale bread, a bowl of rice and stale water. fresh
A stalking-horse
That which is stale or worn out by long keeping, or by use
A woman who is "no longer fresh" or who has lost her virginity
disapproval If you say that a place, an activity, or an idea is stale, you mean that it has become boring because it is always the same. Her relationship with Mark has become stale. The urine of certain animals, especially horses and camels
A prostitute
A sector which was previously visible/scannable but is no longer so is said to be stale
The stock or handle of anything; as, the stale of a rake
Stale air or a stale smells is unpleasant because it is no longer fresh. A layer of smoke hung low in the stale air. the smell of stale sweat
to stale

    Türkische aussprache

    tı steyl


    /tə ˈstāl/ /tə ˈsteɪl/


    [ t&, tu, 'tü ] (preposition.) before 12th century. Middle English, from Old English tO; akin to Old High German zuo to, Latin donec as long as, until.


    ... who are tired have stale political arguments air ...