to shelter

listen to the pronunciation of to shelter
Englisch - Türkisch
{i} barınak

O, misafirine yemek getirdi ve ona barınak sağladı. - He brought food to his guest and provided him shelter.

Barınaklar kuracağız. - We're going to set up shelters.


Tom yağmurdan korunmak için sığınak aradı. - Tom sought shelter from the rain.

O, yağmurdan dolayı sığınak aradı. - He sought shelter from the rain.

{i} sundurma

İnsanlar kendilerini korumak için sığınaklar tasarladı. - People devised shelters in order to protect themselves.


Ben bir ağacın altına sığınmak zorunda kaldım. - I had to take shelter under a tree.

Onlar yağmurdan sığınmak için bir yer aradı. - They looked for a place to take shelter from the rain.


Ben bir ağacın altına sığınmak zorunda kaldım. - I had to take shelter under a tree.

Onlar yağmurdan sığınmak için bir yer aradı. - They looked for a place to take shelter from the rain.


İnsanlar kendilerini korumak için sığınaklar tasarladı. - People devised shelters in order to protect themselves.

{f} koru

İnsanlar kendilerini korumak için sığınaklar tasarladı. - People devised shelters in order to protect themselves.

Bu çiçekler yağmurdan korunmalıdır. - These flowers should be sheltered from the rain.


Evsiz, serin sağanaktan korunmak için sığınak aradı. - The homeless sought shelter from the chilly shower.

Bu çiçekler yağmurdan korunmalıdır. - These flowers should be sheltered from the rain.


Araştırmalar, temel barınma ve gıda ihtiyaçları karşılanır karşılanmaz, ilave zenginliğin mutluluğa çok az şey kattığını gösteriyor. - Studies show that once the basic needs of shelter and food are met, additional wealth adds very little to happiness.

{f} korunmak

Evsiz, serin sağanaktan korunmak için sığınak aradı. - The homeless sought shelter from the chilly shower.

Tom yağmurdan korunmak için sığınak aradı. - Tom sought shelter from the rain.

muhafazalı yer

Tom korunaklı bir hayat yaşıyor. - Tom lives a sheltered life.

Tom korunaklı bir hayat sürdü. - Tom has led a sheltered life.

{i} siper

Asker sipere sığındı. - The soldier took shelter in the foxhole.

(Askeri) SIĞINAK: Kıtalar ile mühimmat veya ikmal maddelerini top ateşinden, gaz veya hava bombardımanından koruyan, tabii veya suni, herhangi bir sütre. Sığınaklar, derinliklerine göre, yer üstü sığınağı (surface shelter), gömme sığınak (cut-and-cover shelter), dehliz sığınak (cave shelter) olarak ve ateşe karşı mukavemetlerine göre, parça emniyetli sığınak (splintproof shelter), hafif mermi emniyetli sığınak (light shellproof shelter) ve bomba emniyetli sığınak (heavy shellproof shelter) şeklinde sınıflandırılır
emniyette bulunma
{i} siper: They took shelter under a tree. Bir ağacın siperine sığındılar
{f} yatırmak
{f} saklamak
shelterless açık
Englisch - Englisch
An institution that provides temporary housing for homeless people, battered women etc
To take cover
A refuge, haven or other cover or protection from something
{v} to cover, defend, protect, harbor
{n} a place of safety, cover, defense
a place to hide from danger and get out of bad weather
a structure that provides privacy and protection from danger
That which covers or defends from injury or annoyance; a protection; a screen
If you shelter in a place, you stay there and are protected from bad weather or danger. a man sheltering in a doorway
To take shelter
To screen or cover from notice; to disguise
An organization whose primary purpose is to provide shelter on a short-term or temporary basis to needy clients
If a place or thing is sheltered by something, it is protected by that thing from wind and rain. a wooden house, sheltered by a low pointed roof
If you shelter someone, usually someone who is being hunted by police or other people, you provide them with a place to stay or live. A neighbor sheltered the boy for seven days. see also sheltered. a British charity organization that helps people who are homeless (=do not have a home to live in)
{f} give refuge, provide a safe haven; seek protection; protect, defend, screen, cover
A shelter is a small building or covered place which is made to protect people from bad weather or danger. The city's bomb shelters were being prepared for possible air raids. a bus shelter
a way of organizing business to reduce the taxes it must pay on current earnings
(n) structures, usually three-sided, constructed of wood, stone, or block and located about a day's hike apart; also referred to as a lean-to or hut in some locations
One who protects; a guardian; a defender
The state of being covered and protected; protection; security
A shelter is a building where homeless people can sleep and get food. a shelter for homeless women
If a place provides shelter, it provides you with a place to stay or live, especially when you need protection from bad weather or danger. The number of families seeking shelter rose by 17 percent the hut where they were given food and shelter
To be a shelter for; to provide with a shelter; to cover from injury or annoyance; to shield; to protect
To provide cover
Housing option which may or may not allow for support services designed to provide housing for situationally or chronically homeless populations Targets overnight and transitional clientele Target population per program guidelines May or may not furnish meals May offer limited hours of operation Immediate intake based solely on availability May or may not require income Semi-private or dormitory space
provide shelter for; "After the earthquake, the government could not provide shelter for the thousands of homeless people"
A structure that shields or protects, esp against weather: a place of refuge, retreat, or temporary lodging in distress: protection
a structure that provides privacy and protection from danger protective covering that provides protection from the weather temporary housing for homeless or displaced persons invest (money) so that it is not taxable provide shelter for; "After the earthquake, the government could not provide shelter for the thousands of homeless people
the condition of being protected; "they were huddled together for protection"; "he enjoyed a sense of peace and protection in his new home"
protective covering that provides protection from the weather
temporary housing for homeless or displaced persons
To betake to cover, or to a safe place; used reflexively
invest (money) so that it is not taxable
A roofed structure usually open on all sides, (See Program Shelter)
Facility operated by the Red Cross for housing evacuees During a nuclear plant emergency, shelters are called Congregate Care Centers
{i} refuge, secure location, protected place; protection, safety; building which temporarily houses homeless people or animals
cover from elements, for natal activity, to travel in, for bedding, etc ; varies depending upon species
to shelter


    to shel·ter

    Türkische aussprache

    tı şeltır


    /tə ˈsʜeltər/ /tə ˈʃɛltɜr/


    [ t&, tu, 'tü ] (preposition.) before 12th century. Middle English, from Old English tO; akin to Old High German zuo to, Latin donec as long as, until.


    ... we can find some emergency shelter near my village? ...
    ... too long in the shelter. ...