to resurrect

listen to the pronunciation of to resurrect
Englisch - Englisch
To re-use
To bring to view or attention
To raise from the dead, to bring life back to
restore from a depressed, inactive, or unused state; "He revived this style of opera"; "He resurrected the tango in this remote part of Argentina"
return from the dead; "Christ is risen!"; "The dead are to uprise
To reanimate; to restore to life; to bring to view (that which was forgotten or lost)
cause to become alive again; "raise from the dead"; "Slavery is already dead, and cannot be resurrected"; "Upraising ghosts"
To take from the grave; to disinter
return from the dead; "Christ is risen!"; "The dead are to uprise"
To rise from the dead
If you resurrect something, you cause it to exist again after it had disappeared or ended. Attempts to resurrect the ceasefire have already failed once + resurrection res·ur·rec·tion This is a resurrection of an old story from the mid-70s. to bring back an old activity, belief, idea etc that has not existed for a long time (resurrection)
{f} bring back to life, raise from the dead; bring back into use
cause to become alive again; "raise from the dead"; "Slavery is already dead, and cannot be resurrected"; "Upraising ghosts" return from the dead; "Christ is risen!"; "The dead are to uprise
to resurrect


    to res·ur·rect

    Türkische aussprache

    tı rezırekt


    /tə ˌrezərˈekt/ /tə ˌrɛzɜrˈɛkt/


    ... So I'm hoping we can resurrect the Gaga Vision videos for the ...
    ...  So tourists will be able to resurrect all the wonders of the past. ...