to remove the glaze from, as pottery or porcelain, so as to give a dull finish

listen to the pronunciation of to remove the glaze from, as pottery or porcelain, so as to give a dull finish
Englisch - Türkisch

Definition von to remove the glaze from, as pottery or porcelain, so as to give a dull finish im Englisch Türkisch wörterbuch

Bir kabin dibine yapışmış olan kalıntıları üzerilerine sıvı döküp kaynatarak çözdürmek
Englisch - Englisch
to remove the glaze from, as pottery or porcelain, so as to give a dull finish


    to re·move the glaze from, as pot·te·ry or porcelain, so as to give a dull fin·ish

