to relapse

listen to the pronunciation of to relapse
Englisch - Englisch
To fall back again

He has improved recently but keeps relapsing into states of utter confusion.

The act or situation of relapsing
to suffer a return of a disease after partial recovery
{n} a return to vice, a return of illness
{v} to fall back into vice or sickness
The reappearance of signs and symptoms of disease after treatment
Definition: Drinking or using drugs again after a period of abstinence Trying to quit drinking or using and not being able to do so
To recur; to worsen, be aggravated
The return by a person in recovery to the self prescribed, non-medical use of any mind- altering substance and risk of the consequent problems associated with its use
the return of a disease after a partial recovery from the disease
To fall from Christian faith into paganism, heresy, or unbelief; to backslide
Following a period of improvement, relapse is a return of the signs and symptoms of a disease
{f} regress, revert to a former state (esp. a negative one); recur, reappear (illness)
The return of depressive symptoms during the acute or continuation phase of treatment (ie, up to 9 months after treatment begins)
deteriorate in health; "he relapsed"
A return of cancer after it had been controlled by treatments
To slide or turn back into a former state or practice; to fall back from some condition attained; generally in a bad sense, as from a state of convalescence or amended condition; as, to relapse into a stupor, into vice, or into barbarism; sometimes in a good sense; as, to relapse into slumber after being disturbed
the return of signs and symptoms of an illness after a period of improvement
the return of a disease
reappearance of cancer after a disease-free period
If a sick person relapses, their health suddenly gets worse after it had been improving. In 90 per cent of cases the patient will relapse within six months. Relapse is also a noun. The treatment is usually given to women with a high risk of relapse after surgery. when someone becomes ill again after having seemed to improve
To slip or slide back, in a literal sense; to turn back
When a condition comes back after it has been successfully treated
The return (or recurrence) of symptoms of a disease after a period of improvement
Reappearance of a disease after a period of improvement
The recurrence of depressive illness after some initial improvement
a failure to maintain a higher state
go back to bad behavior; "Those who recidivate are often minor criminals"
One who has relapsed, or fallen back, into error; a backslider; specifically, one who, after recanting error, returns to it again
– the return of some of the symptoms of a disease or condition after treatment has ceased
recurrence of disease symptoms following a period of improvement
A sliding or falling back, especially into a former bad state, either of body or morals; backsliding; the state of having fallen back
a slip backwards, as in: Just when we thought he was going to get well, he suffered a relapse
A return of the disease after it has been in remission following treatment
recurrence of the disease following treatment
The return of features towards the original malocclusion following orthodontic treatment
Recurrence of disease after an initial response to treatment
go back to bad behavior; "Those who recidivate are often minor criminals
If you say that someone relapses into a way of behaving that is undesirable, you mean that they start to behave in that way again. `I wish I did,' said Phil Jordan, relapsing into his usual gloom Relapse is also a noun. a relapse into the nationalism of the nineteenth century
A return of cancer after it has been controlled by treatment
To repeat the addictive behavior for which an individual has received treatment
reappearance of disease after it has disappeared
The reappearance of signs and symptoms of a disease after a period of improvement
{i} regression, reversion to a former state; recurrence of an illness after an initial recovery
to relapse


    to re·lapse

    Türkische aussprache

    tı riläps


    /tə rēˈlaps/ /tə riːˈlæps/