to propound

listen to the pronunciation of to propound
Englisch - Türkisch
Englisch - Englisch
To put forward; to offer for discussion or debate

Each school propounds its own theory without having given any thought to whether we are following what they say or getting left behind.

{v} to propose, exhibit, offer
To offer for consideration; to exhibit; to propose; as, to propound a question; to propound an argument
To propose or name as a candidate for admission to communion with a church
put forward, as of an idea
If someone propounds an idea or point of view they have, they suggest it for people to consider. Zoologist Eugene Morton has propounded a general theory of the vocal sounds that animals make. = put forward. to suggest an idea, explanation etc for other people to consider (propone (14-19 centuries), from proponere, from ponere )
{f} make a suggestion, propose an idea (or theory, etc.); present for discussion
to propound


    to pro·pound

    Türkische aussprache

    tı prıpaund


    /tə prəˈpound/ /tə prəˈpaʊnd/