to poll

listen to the pronunciation of to poll
Englisch - Türkisch

Definition von to poll im Englisch Türkisch wörterbuch

{i} saç

Koyu kahverengi saçları vardı. - He had dark brown hair.

Kısa saç stilini severim. - I like the short hairstyle.

{i} tüy

Onun tüylü bir göğsü var. - He has a hairy chest.

Onun kulağının dışında büyüyen çirkin tüyleri var. - He has unsightly hairs growing out of his ears.

{i} kıl

Tom'un kıllı kolları yok. - Tom doesn't have hairy arms.

Hayvanların derisi kıllarla kaplı. - The skin of animals is covered with hair.


Kamuoyu yoklamaları hükümete olan güveni ölçen göstergelerdir. - Public opinion polls are barometers of confidence in the government.

Kamuoyu yoklamaları söz konusu olduğu sürece büyük bir sorun vardır. - There is a big problem as far as opinion polls are concerned.

{i} saçlar

Lidia'nın sarı düz saçları var. - Lidia has blonde straight hair.

Saçlarım Jane'inkinden daha uzun. - My hair is longer than Jane's is.

oy sayısı
oy almak
oy sayımı
oyunu kullanmak
komuoyu yoklaması
anket yapmak
seçmen listesi
{f} boynuzunu kesmek
{i} kafa
şahıs başına ödenen bir vergi
{i} seçim

Şimdi oy vermek için çok geç. Seçim yerleri kapalı! - It's too late to vote now. The polls are closed!

gayri resmi anket
seçimde oylar
{i} kamuoyu yoklaması
{i} boynuzu kesilmiş sığır
{f} tepesini kesmek
{f} kesmek
tarama,v.oy topla: n.oy
boynuzu kesilmiş
(isim) kafa, kelle, kişi, seçmen, seçim, oy verme, oy sayısı, seçmen listesi, oyların sayımı, seçim yeri, anket, boynuzsuz sığır, kamuoyu yoklaması, boynuzu kesilmiş sığır
{i} oy verme

Artık oy vermek için çok geç. Sandıklar kapandı! - It's too late to vote now. The polls are closed!

the polls seçim
{i} kelle
{i} seçmen
{f} halkın nabzını yoklamak
{i} kişi
{f} kamuoyu yoklaması yapmak
{f} budamak
{f} oy vermek

Artık oy vermek için çok geç. Sandıklar kapandı! - It's too late to vote now. The polls are closed!

{i} oyların sayımı
(Tıp) Başın saç biten kısmı
seçim sandığı
{i} seçim yeri
gayri resmi anketler
poll tax oy kullanabilmek için ödenen bir vergi
{i} boynuzsuz sığır
oy toplamak
Englisch - Englisch
To cut the hair of (a creature)

the doctor, as if to hear better, had taken off his powdered wig, and sat there, looking very strange indeed with his own close-cropped black poll.

One who does not try for honors at university, but is content to take a degree merely; a passman
To take, record the votes of (an electorate)
The head, especially its top part

And you might perceive the president and general manager, Mr. R. G. Atterbury, with his priceless polished poll, busy in the main office room dictating letters.

To remove the horns of (an animal)
A place voters cast ballots

The polls close at 8 p.m.

An election or a survey of a particular group

The student council had a poll to see what people want served in the cafeteria.

A pet parrot
To (repeatedly) ask status of other machine(s) in network

The network hub polled the department's computers to determine which ones could still respond.

vote in an election at a polling station
{n} the head, a register of heads or of votes
{v} to lop the tops of trees, cut off or shorten hair, shear, take a list of voters, vote, strip
To remove the poll or head of; hence, to remove the top or end of; to clip; to lop; to shear; as, to poll the head; to poll a tree
- has multiple meanings: 1 a survey or sampling of people's opinions Many opinion polls are taken before an upcoming election to try and predict the public's voting patterns 2 ridings are broken into multiple polling districts, also called polls for short People in ridings vote in these polling stations You may hear a reporter say on election night "there are six polls reporting final results in this district "
The broad end of a hammer; the but of an ax
A number or aggregate of heads; a list or register of heads or individuals
v ,n 1 [techspeak] The action of checking the status of an input line, sensor, or memory location to see if a particular external event has been registered 2 To repeatedly call or check with someone: "I keep polling him, but he's not answering his phone; he must be swapped out " 3 To ask "Lunch? I poll for a takeout order daily "
To cut off; to remove by clipping, shearing, etc
the counting of votes (as in an election) a tame parrot the part of the head between the ears an inquiry into public opinion conducted by interviewing a random sample of people convert into a pollard; "pollard trees"
The head; the back part of the head
A parrot; familiarly so called
To cut or shave smooth or even; to cut in a straight line without indentation; as, a polled deed
the top of the head
To solicit mock votes from (a person or group)
To extort from; to plunder; to strip
The highest point of the horse's skull (the occipital crest) In common dressage usage, flexion "at the poll" refers to the longitudinal or lateral flexion of the joint immediately behind the poll
A poll is a survey in which people are asked their opinions about something, usually in order to find out how popular something is or what people intend to do in the future. Polls show that the European treaty has gained support in Denmark We are doing a weekly poll on the president, and clearly his popularity has declined see also opinion poll, straw poll
for purposes of taxation; to enumerate one by one
To impose a tax upon
Specifically, the register of the names of electors who may vote in an election
an inquiry into public opinion conducted by interviewing a random sample of people
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(v ) To check periodically the condition or state of a hardware device, data item, or software subsystem
get the votes of
To pay as one's personal tax
See Pollard, 3 (a)
To enter, as polls or persons, in a list or register; to enroll, esp
get the opinions (of people) by asking specific questions get the votes of vote in an election at a polling station
get the opinions (of people) by asking specific questions
the part of the head between the ears
The sending of an NTP packet from a host to an NTP time server to request the current time The server responds by recording the current time in the packet, then sending it back to the originating host See also ``NTP packet''
convert into a pollard; "pollard trees"
List or record of persons, especially for taxing or voting
Repeatedly trying a call on a non-blocking socket until it succeeds Example
The casting or recording of the votes of registered electors; as, the close of the poll
Français : Scrutation Deutsch : Fahrzeugaufruf The process of automatically requesting information from a vehicle See also : Poll cycle
{f} receive votes; vote, elect; count votes, make a survey
survey of public opinion, as in: The poll shows that your candidate is taking the lead
See Dee&?; poll
The polls means an election for a country's government, or the place where people go to vote in an election. In 1945, Winston Churchill was defeated at the polls Voters are due to go to the polls on Sunday to elect a new president
the counting of votes (as in an election)
A mechanism used to determine if an event has occurred by periodically checking for a particular status Typical events include arrival of data, completion of an action, and errors
An explicit request to a device for the value of one of its network variables
a tame parrot
The place where the votes are cast or recorded; as, to go to the polls
Most often used for political research in which the electorate’s likely behavior is investigated Often asks "horse race" kinds of questions about candidates or ballot measures
This is the highest point on the top of the head of a horse
To vote at an election
to mow or crop; sometimes with off; as, to poll the hair; to poll wool; to poll grass
The space between the ears on top of the head
A term used in early tax records to indicate a person A person eligible to vote
{f} trim tree branches, prune a tree; cut off the horns of an animal
the place people go to vote OR the counting of votes
The European chub
{i} voting, electing; list of voters; counting of votes; number of votes; referendum
used in early tax records denoting a taxable person; person eligible to vote
A canvassing of people's opinions on some question
To register or deposit, as a vote; to elicit or call forth, as votes or voters; as, he polled a hundred votes more than his opponent
Joint between head and neck, behind the horse's ears where the headstall is placed Flexed when the horse is on the bit, it theoretically is the highest point of the neck In fact, the angle and height depend on the build of the horse
to poll