to perform a requisite task despite obstacles

listen to the pronunciation of to perform a requisite task despite obstacles
Englisch - Englisch
carry the message to Garcia

determined to always carry the message to Garcia, irrespective of adverse conditions and circumstances.

to perform a requisite task despite obstacles


    to per·form a req·ui·site task de·spite obstacles

    Türkische aussprache

    tı pırfôrm ı rekwızıt täsk dîspayt äbstıkılz


    /tə pərˈfôrm ə ˈrekwəzət ˈtask dəˈspīt ˈäbstəkəlz/ /tə pɜrˈfɔːrm ə ˈrɛkwəzət ˈtæsk dɪˈspaɪt ˈɑːbstəkəlz/