to move in

listen to the pronunciation of to move in
Englisch - Türkisch
(deyim) (eve,ofise vb.) tasinmak,yerlesmek. move in on someone zor duruma sokmak,uzerine yurumek
(Fiili Deyim ) 1- eve taşınmak , yerleşmek , yaşamak 2- ... ile düşüp kalmak

Tom daha büyük bir eve taşınmak istiyor. - Tom wants to move into a bigger house.

Tom, yeni dairesine taşınmak için yardım almaya mecbur. - Tom's bound to need help to move into his new apartment.

eve taşınmak

Tom daha büyük bir eve taşınmak istiyor. - Tom wants to move into a bigger house.


O zamana kadar tamamlanırsa gelecek ay yeni evimize taşınacağız. - We will move into our new house next month if it is completed by then.

Tom daha büyük bir eve taşınmak istiyor. - Tom wants to move into a bigger house.

Englisch - Englisch
occupy a place; "The crowds are moving in"
move into a new house or office occupy a place; "The crowds are moving in
move oneself and one's possessions into a new home
To start from or near the center of the approach
move into a new house or office
To adjust your approach farther towards the center of the lane; towards higher numbered boards
If someone moves in on an area of activity which was previously only done by a particular group of people, they start becoming involved with it for the first time. These black models are moving in on what was previously white territory: the lucrative cosmetic contracts
If police, soldiers, or attackers move in, they go towards a place or person in order to deal with or attack them. Police moved in to disperse the crowd Forces were moving in on the town of Knin
move into (a station) of trains; "The bullet train drew into Tokyo Station"
When you move in somewhere, you begin to live there as your home. Her house was in perfect order when she moved in Her husband had moved in with a younger woman We'd been seeing each other for a year when he suggested we should move in together. move out
to move in

    Türkische aussprache

    tı muv în


    /tə ˈmo͞ov ən/ /tə ˈmuːv ɪn/


    ... So they moved back to Ikaria, and they move in with ...
    ... And that is the kind of big, significant move in the economy ...