to make good

listen to the pronunciation of to make good
Englisch - Türkisch
(deyim) ödemek
(deyim) ispatlamak
(deyim) temizlemek
telafi etmek
(deyim) gidermek
(s.t.) " 1. telafi etmek; (zararını) ödemek. 2. yerine getirmek: He made good his promise. Sözünü yerine getirdi
başarılı olmak
telafi etmek; (zararını) ödemek
yerine getirmek
on (sözü) yerine getirmek
tazmin etmek
(deyim) basarmak
yerine getirmek: He made good his promise. Sözünü yerine getirdi
(zararı) ödemek
Englisch - Englisch
: To complete successfully

The check bounced, but he said he will make good on it next month.

To achieve substantial success in life, often in business
correct a mistake; make up for; fulfill, carry out
(1) To present a commercial announcement after it ís scheduled time because of an error (2) To rerun a commercial announcement because of technical difficulties the previous time it was run (3) To rerun a print advertisement due to similar circumstances
act as promised; "make good on promises"
act as promised; "make good on promises
An advertisement offered to or accepted by an advertiser to replace an ad message that did not run as scheduled, was aired improperly or an error in the insertion
An advertisement run as a replacement for one that was scheduled but did not run, or that ran incorrectly
The rerun of an ad or printed piece by a publisher or printer because of their error
to make good

    Türkische aussprache

    tı meyk gîd


    /tə ˈmāk gəd/ /tə ˈmeɪk ɡɪd/


    ... descendants, make good use of those data? ...
    ... to make good decisions that I feel ...