to lap

listen to the pronunciation of to lap
Englisch - Türkisch
{i} etap
{f} tur yapmak
{i} tur

Günde kaç tur yüzersin? - How many laps do you swim every day?

Tom her sabah işe gitmeden önce turlar yüzer. - Tom swims laps every morning before going to work.

(Spor) spor tur
yalayıp yutmak
(yarışta) rakibini bir turluk farkla geçmek
(yarışta) tur
dalgaların çarpması
{f} yarışı tamamla
oturan kimsenin kalçasından dizine kadar olan ön bölümü
(yarışta) tam tur atmak
çarpma sesi
(against ile) küçük dalgalar halinde çarpmak
(Tıp, İlaç) Lenfadenopatinin kısaltılmış şeklidir. Lenfadenopati, lenf bezlerinde büyüme anlamına gelir
dalga sesi
{f} üstüne koymak
{i} halat
fino köpeği

Laptopum açıkken uykuya daldım. - I fell asleep with my laptop on.

{f} üst üste gelmek
{f} yalayarak içmek
{f} oburca yemek
{f} (dalga) hafif hafif çarpmak
lap dog kucağa alınan ufak köpek
lap of luxury servet ve rahatlık
(Askeri) MAYIN TARAMA ŞERİDİ: Deniz mayın harbinde, bir mayın tarama gemisine veya tarama birliğine tahsis edilen ve bunların tarama yaparak içinden geçecekleri kısım veya deniz şeridi
(Mukavele) şaşırtma, kaydırma
{i} kat
{f} şapır şupur içmek
{i} ip
lap tur bindir/tur at/sar
oturan kimsenin dizlerini örten elbise kısmı
(Tekstil) vatka
{i} köpek maması (sulu)
{f} (yarışta) (rakibini) bir devirlik mesafe ile geçmek. i., spor tur
{i} dizüstü etek
lapful kucak dolusu
{f} örtmek
(fiil) sarmak, dolamak, örtmek, üstüne koymak, üst üste gelmek, tur yapmak, yalayarak içmek, şapır şupur içmek, şapırdatmak, oburca yemek, yalayıp yutmak
küçük dalgalar halinde çarpmak
perdah çarkı
Englisch - Englisch
to wind around
To slurp up a liquid (like water) as a dog
To place or lay (something) so as to overlap another

One laps roof tiles so that water can run off.

A piece of brass, lead, or other soft metal, used to hold a cutting or polishing powder in cutting glass, gems, and the like, or in polishing cutlery, etc. It is usually in the form of wheel or disk, which revolves on a vertical axis
In card playing and other games, the points won in excess of the number necessary to complete a game; — so called when they are counted in the score of the following game
to envelop, enfold

lapped in luxury.

The amount by which a slide valve at its half stroke overlaps a port in the seat, being equal to the distance the valve must move from its mid stroke position in order to begin to open the port. Used alone, lap refers to outside lap. See Outside lap (below)
One circuit around a race track, or one traversal down and then back the length of a pool; as, to run twenty laps; to win by three laps, to swim two laps
An edge; a border; a hem, as of cloth
To lie partly on or over something; to overlap
That part of any substance or fixture which extends over, or lies upon, or by the side of, a part of another; as, the lap of a board; also, the measure of such extension over or upon another thing
to fold, wrap
The state or condition of being in part extended over or by the side of something else; or the extent of the overlapping; as, the second boat got a lap of half its length on the leader
the act or process of lapping
to wrap around, enwrap, wrap up

to lap a bandage around a finger.

(archaic (17th century)), The female pudenda
component that overlaps or covers any portion of the same or adjacent component
{f} lick up with the tongue; gently splash against a surface
To infold; to hold as in one's lap; to cherish
{v} to wrap round, fold over, bind, lick up
{n} a seat on the thighs, fold, plait, drink
It is usually in the form of wheel or disk, which revolves on a vertical axis
{i} lick; act of licking up a liquid; sound of water splashing against a surface; liquid food, thin beverage
movement once around a course; "he drove an extra lap just for insurance"
The distance the bricks of the course overlap the bricks of another course
Link Access Protocol Any protocol of the Data Link Layer, such as EtherTalk or LocalTalk
If you have something on your lap when you are sitting down, it is on top of your legs and near to your body. She waited quietly with her hands in her lap Hugh glanced at the child on her mother's lap
The loose part of a coat; the lower part of a garment that plays loosely; a skirt; an apron
the part of a piece of clothing that covers the thighs; "his lap was covered with food stains"
To make a sound like that produced by taking up drink with the tongue
{i} act of wrapping around, enfolding; part which overlaps; amount of material needed to go around an object once; full circuit, full length (of a course); rotating wheel used for polishing
an area of control or responsibility; "the job fell right in my lap"
See 1st Lap, 10
The upper legs of a seated person
To overtake a straggler in a race by completing one more lap than them
Area where a coat of paint or other coating extends over an adjacent fresh coat The painter's objective is to make this juncture without visible lap marks
Link Access Protocol (ISDN, Data Link)
pass the tongue over; "the dog licked her hand"
To polish, e.g., a surface, until smooth
In card playing and other games, the points won in excess of the number necessary to complete a game; - so called when they are counted in the score of the following game
One circuit around a race track, esp. when the distance is a small fraction of a mile; as, to run twenty laps; to win by three laps. See Lap, to fold, 2
See Outside lap (below)
To wrap or wind around something
A term applied to the distance that one piece is laid over another in making a lap joint
To cover the surface of one shingle or roll with another
{i} front part from the waist to the knees of a seated person; part of a garment which covers the lap; fold of clothing; area of responsibility or control
The part of the clothing that lies on the knees or thighs when one sits down; that part of the person thus covered; figuratively, a place of rearing and fostering; as, to be reared in the lap of luxury
1-Two thicknesses of material bonded together 2-Section at the end of side seam consisting of two layers of metal to allow for double seaming As the term implies, the two portions of the side are seam lapped together rather than hooked as in the center of the side seam
That part of any substance or fixture which extends over, or lies upon, or by the side of a part of another; as, the lap of a board; also, the measure of such extension over or upon another thing
the upper side of the thighs of a seated person; "he picked up the little girl and plopped her down in his lap"
The amount by which a slide valve at its half stroke overlaps a port in the seat, being equal to the distance the valve must move from its mid stroke position in order to begin to open the port
a flap that lies over another part; "the lap of the shingles should be at least ten inches"
The part of the roofing material that overlaps a section of adjacent material
Licence Area Plan A LAP sets out the number and type of broadcasting services that will be allocated in a particular area Licence areas are defined by collection districts (CD) established by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS)
the part of a roofing, waterproofing, or flashing component that overlaps or covers any portion of the same or another type of adjacent component
To rest or recline in a lap, or as in a lap
One circuit around a race track, esp
movement once around a course; "he drove an extra lap just for insurance" a flap that lies over another part; "the lap of the shingles should be at least ten inches" the part of a piece of clothing that covers the thighs; "his lap was covered with food stains" the upper side of the thighs of a seated person; "he picked up the little girl and plopped her down in his lap" an area of control or responsibility; "the job fell right in my lap" take up with the tongue; "The cat lapped up the milk"; "the cub licked the milk from its mother's breast" move with or cause to move with a whistling or hissing sound; "The bubbles swoshed around in the glass"; "The curtain swooshed open" lie partly over or alongside of something or of one another
Used alone, lap refers to outside lap
A lap of a long journey is one part of it, between two points where you stop. I had thought we might travel as far as Oak Valley, but we only managed the first lap of the journey. = leg
that part of a roof or flashing that overlaps or covers any portion of the same or another type of adjacent component
The act of lapping with, or as with, the tongue; as, to take anything into the mouth with a lap
Link Access Protocol
In a race, a competitor completes a lap when they have gone round a course once. that last lap of the race On lap two, Baker edged forward
A piece of brass, lead, or other soft metal, used to hold a cutting or polishing powder in cutting glass, gems, and the like, or in polishing cutlery, etc
lie partly over or alongside of something or of one another
take up with the tongue; "The cat lapped up the milk"; "the cub licked the milk from its mother's breast"
To be turned or folded; to lie partly upon or by the side of something, or of one another; as, the cloth laps back; the boats lap; the edges lap
One trip around a track that is traversed more than once during a race
To lay together one over another, as fleeces or slivers for further working
Türkisch - Englisch
flop, plop
to lap

    Türkische aussprache

    tı läp


    /tə ˈlap/ /tə ˈlæp/


    ... Oh, someone's made it around a full lap. ...