to kiss one's hand, then blow on the hand in a direction towards the recipient

listen to the pronunciation of to kiss one's hand, then blow on the hand in a direction towards the recipient
Englisch - Türkisch

Definition von to kiss one's hand, then blow on the hand in a direction towards the recipient im Englisch Türkisch wörterbuch

blow a kiss
öpücük atmak
blow a kiss
öpücük yollamak
blow a kiss
öpücük göndermek
Englisch - Englisch
blow a kiss

We haven't yet kissed, but she blew me a kiss as the train pulled out of the station. That meant a lot to me.

to kiss one's hand, then blow on the hand in a direction towards the recipient


    to kiss one's hand, then blow on the Hand in a di·rec·tion to·wards the re·ci·pi·ent

