to hive off companies as soon as they are profitable

listen to the pronunciation of to hive off companies as soon as they are profitable
Englisch - Deutsch
Firmen abstoßen, sobald sie gewinnbringend arbeiten
to hive off companies as soon as they are profitable


    to hive off companies as soon as they are pro·fi·ta·ble

    Türkische aussprache

    tı hayv ôf kʌmpıniz äz sun äz dhey ır präfıtıbıl


    /tə ˈhīv ˈôf ˈkəmpənēz ˈaz ˈso͞on ˈaz ˈᴛʜā ər ˈpräfətəbəl/ /tə ˈhaɪv ˈɔːf ˈkʌmpəniːz ˈæz ˈsuːn ˈæz ˈðeɪ ɜr ˈprɑːfətəbəl/