to harmonize

listen to the pronunciation of to harmonize
Englisch - Englisch
to play or sing in harmony
to be in harmonious agreement
to bring things into harmony, or to make things compatible
{v} to make musical, adjust, agree
bring into consonance, harmony, or accord while making music or singing bring into consonance or accord; "harmonize one's goals with one's abilities" bring into consonance or relate harmoniously; "harmonize the different interests" sing or play in harmony write a harmony for go together; "The colors don't harmonize"; "Their ideas concorded
to provide the harmony for a melody
write a harmony for
To agree in action, adaptation, or effect on the mind; to agree in sense or purport; as, the parts of a mechanism harmonize
sing or play in harmony write a harmony for go together; "The colors don't harmonize"; "Their ideas concorded
bring into consonance or relate harmoniously; "harmonize the different interests"
To accompany with harmony; to provide with parts, as an air, or melody
When governments or organizations harmonize laws, systems, or regulations, they agree in a friendly way to make them the same or similar. How far will members have progressed towards harmonising their economies? + harmonization har·mo·ni·za·tion Air France pilots called a strike over the European harmonisation of their working hours
To adjust in fit proportions; to cause to agree; to show the agreement of; to reconcile the apparent contradiction of
bring into consonance, harmony, or accord while making music or singing
har·mo·nize harmonizes harmonizing harmonized in BRIT, also use harmonise1. If two or more things harmonize with each other, they fit in well with each other. slabs of pink and beige stone that harmonize with the carpet Barbara White and her mother like to listen to music together, though their tastes don't harmonize
bring into consonance or accord; "harmonize one's goals with one's abilities"
To agree in vocal or musical effect; to form a concord; as, the tones harmonize perfectly
To bring two or notes together in harmony
sing or play in harmony
To bring into accord or agreement
{f} agree; reconcile; go together, match; (Music) compose a harmony; play in harmony; sing in harmony; (Music) add harmony to a melody (also harmonise)
go together; "The colors don't harmonize"; "Their ideas concorded"
When people harmonize, they sing or play notes which are different from the main tune but which sound nice with it. Bremer and Garland harmonize on the title song, `Meet Me in St. Louis'
To be in peace and friendship, as individuals, families, or public organizations
to harmonize


    to har·mo·nize

    Türkische aussprache

    tı härmınayz


    /tə ˈhärməˌnīz/ /tə ˈhɑːrməˌnaɪz/