to flame

listen to the pronunciation of to flame
Englisch - Türkisch

Rüzgar alevleri körükledi. - The wind fanned the flames.

Rüzgarla körüklendiği için, alevler her yöne yayıldı. - Fanned by the strong wind, the flames spread in all directions.

(isim) Şule

O kendini aşk ateşinin kollarına bıraktı. - She gave herself to flames of love.

{f} alevlen

Bazı alevlenmeyi geciktiriciler kanser ve hormonal bozulmalara neden olabilir. - Some flame retardants can cause cancer and hormonal disruptions.

{i} göz ağrısı
(Tıp) flam

Nicolas Flamel kurşunu altına dönüştürmeyi hayal etti. - Nicolas Flamel dreamed of turning lead into gold.

büyük sevgi

Küçük bir kıvılcım sık sık büyük bir alevi ateşler. - A small spark often ignites a big flame.

Araba devrildi ve ateş aldı. - The car turned over and burst into flames.

alev alev yanmak
flameproof ateş almaz
{f} alev almak
{i} alev kırmızısı
{f} kızarmak
{i} hiddet
{f} kıpkırmızı olmak
(Tekstil) alev, yalaz
{i} k.dili. sevgili
flame thrower yanar benzin saçan bir silâh
flame ateş rengi

Kütükler parlak şekilde alev alev yandı. - The logs flamed brightly.

Belli Bir konuda kapasiteyi aşmış elektronik posta ya da usenet mesajlarına verilen ad. Bkz . ( E-Mail- Usenet )
{i} parlaklık
dili sevgili
{i} sevgili
flame test alev testi
ateş geçmez
Englisch - Englisch
Intentionally insulting criticism or remark meant to incite anger
To produce flames
A romantic partner or lover in usually short-lived but passionate affair
a brilliant reddish orange-gold colour, like that of a flame

flame colour:.

{n} light given by fire, a blaze, heat, passion, love
{v} to shine or burn as fire, to blaze
Originally, flame meant to carry forth in a passionate manner in the spirit of honourable debate Flames most often involved the use of flowery language and flaming well was an art form More recently flame has come to refer to any kind of derogatory comment no matter how witless or crude See Also: Flame War
{f} (Internet) rant or write unceasingly and fanatically on a relatively dull subject with an obviously absurd attitude or with animosity toward a particular person or group of people on Usenet; write insulting words about a person
Originally, flame meant to carry forth in a passionate manner in the spirit of honorable debate "Flames" most often involved the use of flowery language and "flaming" well was an art form More recently flame has come to refer to any kind of derogatory comment no matter how witless or crude See Also: Flame War
A flame is a hot bright stream of burning gas that comes from something that is burning. The heat from the flames was so intense that roads melted. a huge ball of flame
criticize harshly, on the e-mail
To burn with a flame or blaze; to burn as gas emitted from bodies in combustion; to blaze
A flame is an e-mail message which severely criticizes or attacks someone. The best way to respond to a flame is to ignore it. Flame is also a verb. Ever been flamed? see also flaming, old flame
the process of combustion of inflammable materials producing heat and light and (often) smoke; "fire was one of our ancestors' first discoveries"
Insulting criticism or remark meant to incite anger
The visible part of fire
Girlfriend, lover in usually short-lived but passionate affair
Originally, flame meant to carry forth in a passionate manner in the spirit of honorable descent They most often involved the use of flowery language and flaming well was an art form More recently flame has come to refer to any kind of derogatory comment no matter how wittless or crude See Also: Flame War
An angry newsgroup article or e-mail that viciously attacks someone or something Usually written in the heat of the moment Often starts a flamewar Also, the act of sending or posting a flame A person who flames is a "flamer "
Something that is in flames is on fire
shine with a sudden light; "The night sky flared with the massive bombardment"
A negative response to an e-mail message or newsgroup posting If you post an article that the audience deems inappropriate, expect to get "flamed "
If something goes up in flames, it starts to burn strongly and is destroyed. Fires broke out everywhere, the entire city went up in flames
Ardor of affection; the passion of love
of a brilliant reddish orange-gold colour, like that of a flame
To post a destructively critical or abusive message, especially to provoke dissent or controversy
If something bursts into flames or bursts into flame, it suddenly starts burning strongly. She managed to scramble out of the vehicle as it burst into flames
refers to any kind of derogatory comment no matter how witless or crude Internet flaming often occurs on mailing lists, newsgroups, or E-mail notes, where one user is communicating with another user or with a group of people
Originally, flame meant to carry forth in a passionate manner in the spirit of honorable descent Flames most often involved the use of flowery language, clever insults, and witty repartee Flaming well was an art form More recently flame has come to refer to any kind of derogatory comment no matter how witless or crude See Also: Flame War
To kindle; to inflame; to excite
Originally, flame meant to carry forth in a passionate manner in the spirit of honorable debate Flames most often involved the use of flowery language and flaming well was an art form More recently flame has come to refer to any kind of derogatory comment no matter how witless or crude See Also: Flame War
Originally, to "flame" meant to debate in a passionate manner, often involving the use of flowery language More recently, flame has come to refer to any kind of derogatory or inflammatory comment, no matter how witless or crude See Also: Flame War, Netiquette
A flame is usually a message that is extremely critical, and often irrational, of someone or something Sometimes flames are intentionally trying to start a flame war--a series of many messages with people essentially yelling at each other Such deliberately provocative messages are often called trolls (the same term is used for those who post them) Flame wars are extremely common, and if you've been active on Usenet for any time at all you've probably been involved in one Anyone who expresses any strong opinions is generally considered fair game by flamers, so don't take it personally--consider it a compliment that you are, at least, making an impression
If someone or something fans the flames of a situation or feeling, usually a bad one, they make it more intense or extreme in some way. He accused the Tories of `fanning the flames of extremism'
criticize harshly, on the e-mail be in flames or aflame; "The sky seemed to flame in the Hawaiian sunset
be in flames or aflame; "The sky seemed to flame in the Hawaiian sunset"
Any kind of derogatory or ludicrous comment sent to USENET group readers Originally, flame meant to carry forth, in a passionate manner, the spirit of honorable debate Flames often included flowery language, and flaming was considered an art form (Recommendation: Don't reply to flames, just extinguish them by deletion )
Originally, flame meant to speak in a passionate manner in the spirit of honorable debate Flames most often involved the use of flowery language and flaming was an art form It has come to mean any kind of derogatory comment, no matter how witless, adolescent or crude See also: Flame War
{f} burn; catch fire; shine, flash, send out a bright light; burst into anger, express strong emotions; send threatening and offensive email on the Internet (Computers)
Burning zeal or passion; elevated and noble enthusiasm; glowing imagination; passionate excitement or anger
A negative response to an email message or newsgroup posting If you post an article or send an email to an audience that deems your message inappropriate, expect to get flamed The most common recipients of flames are users who post commercial messages in public forums, those who post adult material in non-adult areas of the Internet, and users who post or send make racial or gender-biased comments The worst sort of flame is known as a mail-bomb, which occurs when the user being flamed open his or her email and receives a flood of letters with unusually long file attachments that make his or her computer crash
{i} tongue of fire, glowing part of a fire; fire, blaze; brilliance, glow; passion, ardor; lover (Slang)
A person beloved; a sweetheart
A stream of burning vapor or gas, emitting light and heat; darting or streaming fire; a blaze; a fire
A deliberately insulting e-mail message or post to a USENET newsgroup, usually containing personal attack on the writer of an earlier post
To burst forth like flame; to break out in violence of passion; to be kindled with zeal or ardor
Originally, "flame" meant to carry forth in a passionate manner in the spirit of honorable debate Flames most often involved the use of flowery language and flaming well was an art form More recently flame has come to refer to any kind of derogatory comment no matter how witless or crude See also: Flame War
to flame