to finalize

listen to the pronunciation of to finalize
Englisch - Türkisch
karara bağlamak
(Ticaret) kesinleşmek

Ayrıntıları sonuçlandırmak için endişeli olduğunun farkındayım. - I realize you're anxious to finalize the details.


Ayrıntıları sonuçlandırmak için endişeli olduğunun farkındayım. - I realize you're anxious to finalize the details.

Ayrıntılar hâlâ sonuçlandırılıyor. - Details are still being finalized.

{f} tamamlamak
son şeklini vermek
{f} bitirmek, son şeklini vermek
Englisch - Englisch
To prepare (an object) for garbage collection by calling its finalizer
To make final or firm; to finish or complete

As soon as we get the plane tickets, we'll finalize our reservations with the hotel.

make final; put the last touches on; put into final form; "let's finalize the proposal
finalize is not actually a Java keyword, but a reserved method name The finalizer is called when an object is no longer being used (i e , when there are no further references to it), but before the object's memory is actually reclaimed by the system A finalizer should perform cleanup tasks and free system resources not handled by Java's garbage-collection system
A method that is called when there are no further references to an object and it is no longer needed
The last stage of CD-R/RW writing in which the disk's table of contents (TOC) is written onto the disk
—A class-only method that is automatically called when an object is destroyed by the garbage collector The Finalize method is primarily used to free up unmanaged resources allocated by the object before the object itself is removed from memory A Finalize method is not needed when only managed resources are used by the object, which are automatically freed by the garbage collector In C#, when a destructor is defined in a class it is mapped to a Finalize method Also called a finalizer See Dispose
make final; put the last touches on; put into final form; "let's finalize the proposal"
The act of completing the transfer of a file This can be to signal the successful conclusion of receiving the file or a request to abort the file before it is fully transferred Once a file is finalized, it is not longer considered an active file and can only be inquired about through your File History
finalize is not actually a Java keyword, but a reserved method name The finalize() method is called when an object is no longer being used (i e , when there are no further references to it), but before the object's memory is actually reclaimed by the system A finalizer should perform cleanup tasks and free system resources not handled by Java's garbage-collection system
fi·nal·ize finalizes finalizing finalized in BRIT, also use finalise If you finalize something such as a plan or an agreement, you complete the arrangements for it, especially by discussing it with other people. Negotiators from the three countries finalized the agreement in August They have not finalized the deal with the government. to finish the last part of a plan, business deal etc
{f} end, sum up; complete
to finalize


    to fi·nal·ize

    Türkische aussprache

    tı faynılayz


    /tə ˈfīnəˌlīz/ /tə ˈfaɪnəˌlaɪz/