to fade

listen to the pronunciation of to fade
Englisch - Türkisch
boyası atmak
{f} rengi solmak
{f} karartmak
{f} solmak
{f} soldurmak
{i} solma

Renk yıkamada bile solmayacak. - The color won't fade, even in the wash.

(Tekstil) 1. ağartmak ( beyazlatmak ) 2. rengi atmak, solmak
tedricen değişmek fade in tedricen duyulmak veya görünmek fade out tedri
zail olmak
{f} sol

O, soluk bir pamuk etek giymişti. - She was dressed in a faded cotton skirt.

Tom sadece büyükbabasının soluk bir fotoğrafına sahip. - Tom only has one faded photograph of grandfather.

kuvvetten düşürmek
{f} açmak
{f} zayıflamak
{f} rengi atmak
{f} güçten düşmek
{f} uçmak
{f} unutulup gitmek
{f} zayıflatmak
{f} sıvışmak
{f} gevşemek
{f} gözden kaybolmak
{f} kaçmak
fade out sönmek
(Sinema) fondu
(Tıp) sönme
(Bilgisayar) azalt
renk solması
boyası atmak
kuvvetten düşmek
(Otomotiv) frenleme gücü azalmak
(Tekstil) rengini atmak

Kumaşın rengi çok soluk. - The cloth's very faded.

O, soluk bir pamuk etek giymişti. - She was dressed in a faded cotton skirt.

rengi açılmak
Englisch - Englisch
To become fade; to grow weak; to lose strength; to decay; to perish gradually; to wither, as a plant
A haircut where the hair is short or shaved on the sides of the head and longer on top. See also high-top fade and low fade
To cause to fade
{v} to wither, decay, grow weak, lose color
a golf shot that curves to the right for a right-handed golfer; "he took lessons to cure his slicing"
  A DFX menu setting that determines how quickly target bars fade (clear) from display after each target hit Set to see target information but not still be there when another target is hit during a different coil sweep
A set of effects available in Blaze Audio wave editors RipEditBurn and Wave Creator Fade-in brings the sound in gradually to reach full volume at a point in the file selected by the user Fade-out does the opposite - the sound disappears gradually until there is silence
{f} discolor, lose color; become dim; wilt, wither; die out; bleach
Graduation of colors
(1) Fade-in: A dark screen that gradually brightens as a shot appears (2) Fade-out: A shot that gradually darkens as the screen goes black Occasionally fade-outs brighten to pure white or to a color
a gently curving shot from left to right (right-handed player) Opposite to a 'draw'
To lose freshness, color, or brightness; to become faint in hue or tint; hence, to be wanting in color
Weak; insipid; tasteless; commonplace
Of a radiant energy signal, to decrease, often temporarily, in received signal strength without a change of receiver controls The opposite is build
When light fades, it slowly becomes less bright. When a sound fades, it slowly becomes less loud. Seaton lay on his bed and gazed at the ceiling as the light faded The sound of the last bomber's engines faded into the distance
Refers to over-the-counter trading Fill another O T C dealer's bid for, or offer of, stock
Selling a rising price or buying a falling price
When a coloured object fades or when the light fades it, it gradually becomes paler. All colour fades -- especially under the impact of direct sunlight No matter how soft the light is, it still plays havoc, fading carpets and curtains in every room. fading portraits of the Queen and Prince Philip. + faded fad·ed a girl in a faded dress. faded painted signs on the sides of some of the buildings
gradually ceasing to be visible
When something that you are looking at fades, it slowly becomes less bright or clear until it disappears. They observed the comet for 70 days before it faded from sight They watched the familiar mountains fade into the darkness. Fade away means the same as fade. We watched the harbour and then the coastline fade away into the morning mist
To induce backspin onto the ball causing it to travel through the air following inside to out swing Opposite is Draw
A golf shot that (for the right-handed player) curves intentionally to the right. See slice, hook, draw
The act of a ball breaking opposite to its normal hook trajectory; a very slight back up
1) A gradual reduction of the level of the audio signal 2) A gradual change of level from one pre-set level to another
Selling a rising price or buying a falling price For example, a trader fading an up opening would be short
To cause to wither; to deprive of freshness or vigor; to wear away
To sink away; to disappear gradually; to grow dim; to vanish
When a ball moves slightly left to right for a right-handed player, right to left for a left-handed player
A drop in the received signal strength as a result of the RF transmission's interactions with the transmission environment
(Fast Acquisition, Double Echo) - a fast imaging technique which observes both components of the SSFP signal in separate acquisition periods during a single interpulse interval
Refers to over-the-counter trading Fill another OTC dealer's bid for or offer of stock
An optical effect in which the image of a scene is gradually replaced by a uniform dark area, or vice versa ( 16, 24, 32, 48, 64, 96 frames fade in or fade out )
a sound or visual effect in which the sound or the screen image gradually changes from silence to sound or from black to image (fade in) or the reverse (fade out)
a gently curving shot from left to right (right-handed player) Example: A soft fade is a valuable shot to know when the greens are firm and dry
A shot designed to curve slightly in the air, from left to right for a right-handed player and right to left for a left-handed player
lose freshness, vigor, or vitality; "Her bloom was fading"
If memories, feelings, or possibilities fade, they slowly become less intense or less strong. Sympathy for the rebels, the government claims, is beginning to fade fading memories of better days
Type of shot that generally tends to curve to the right in the air (assuming a right-handed player ) A fade is a controlled shot preferred by many players
become less clearly visible or distinguishable; disappear gradually or seemingly; "The scene begins to fade"; "The tree trunks are melting into the forest at dusk"
become feeble; "The prisoner has be languishing for years in the dungeon"
A shot designed the curve slightly in the air, from left to right for a right-handed player and right to left for a left-handed player
lose freshness, vigor, or vitality; "Her bloom was fading
1 Fade-in: A dark screen that gradually brightens as a shot appears 2 Fade-out: A shot gradually darkens as the screen goes black Occasionally, fade-outs brighten to pure white or to a color
gradually ceasing to be visible become less clearly visible or distinguishable; disappear gradually or seemingly; "The scene begins to fade"; "The tree trunks are melting into the forest at dusk"
1 (Right-handed golfers) A shot that curves from left to right 2 (Left-handed golfers) A shot that curves from right to left
disappear gradually; "The pain eventually passed off"
Usually, a dissolve from full video to black video or from full audio to no audio
to fade

    Türkische aussprache

    tı feyd


    /tə ˈfād/ /tə ˈfeɪd/


    ... flip and fade beautifully. ...