to facilitate

listen to the pronunciation of to facilitate
Englisch - Türkisch
{f} rahatlatmak
(Politika, Siyaset) çabuklaştırmak
olanak tanımak

Bunu kolaylaştırabileceğimi düşünüyorum - I think I can facilitate that.

{f} hafifletmek
yardım etmek
olanak sağlamak
Englisch - Englisch
To preside over (a meeting, a seminar)
To make easy or easier
to make more easy
{f} make easy, make easier; assist forward, promote, expedite
{v} to make easy, lessen, clear
To make easy or less difficult; to free from difficulty or impediment; to lessen the labor of; as, to facilitate the execution of a task
to make something easier to do
To make easy or easier As used in communication: The increased ease of performance of any action, resulting from the lessening of nerve resistance by the continued successive application of the necessary stimulus, i e , hand over hand assistance
To assist in accomplishing objectives such as a group discussion on a particular topic or in a training context It requires active participation by the facilitator to engage and involve the others in accomplishing the objective
be of use; "This will help to prevent accidents"
help (or aid)
To guide through the process
Help someone make progress or make something easier for them
make easier; "you could facilitate the process by sharing your knowledge" physiology: increase the likelihood of (a response); "The stimulus facilitates a delayed impulse
To facilitate an action or process, especially one that you would like to happen, means to make it easier or more likely to happen. The new airport will facilitate the development of tourism He argued that the economic recovery had been facilitated by his tough stance. = aid, assist. to make it easier for a process or activity to happen
make easier; "you could facilitate the process by sharing your knowledge"
make easy, as in: Computer programs facilitate letter-writing
physiology: increase the likelihood of (a response); "The stimulus facilitates a delayed impulse"
physiology: increase the likelihood of (a response); "The stimulus facilitates a delayed impulse
to facilitate


    to fa·ci·li·tate

    Türkische aussprache

    tı fısîlıteyt


    /tə fəˈsələˌtāt/ /tə fəˈsɪləˌteɪt/


    ... fees for supply police were built one day's journeys apart to facilitate trade ...