Their plans to finish the garden that weekend hit a snag when an unseasonal snowfall dropped several inches on what should have become the pumpkin patch that day.
to encounter an unexpected problem or delay
to en·coun·ter an un·ex·pec·ted prob·lem or de·lay
Türkische aussprache
tı înkauntır ın ʌnîkspektîd präblım ır dîley
/tə ənˈkountər ən ˌənəkˈspektəd ˈpräbləm ər dəˈlā/ /tə ɪnˈkaʊntɜr ən ˌʌnɪkˈspɛktɪd ˈprɑːbləm ɜr dɪˈleɪ/